Friday, December 21, 2012

The world is too strong to end.

InspiraciĆ³n is everywhere.

Creds- ChronicleOnline

The last few days have been pretty crazy over here. One thing I love about democracy is protests. India has been struggling as a democracy, but when we unite, the citizens are unstoppable. The result of a brutal gang rape of a 23 year old woman in a chartered bus has raised the loudest of the voices and I can actually hear the agonizing screams of the protesters till my room. These protesters have been protesting non-stop; despite authorities firing water cannons at them, they continued protesting, drenched and shivering. The accused were thrashed by the inmates(!) when they were taken to Tihar Jail. This reminds me that maybe, there is some hope left in this world.

Delhi has been the rape capital of the country. It has come to such a point that girls can not even step out alone, or even with friends! Is this how our country has become? And then the police blame our wardrobe, saying that wearing shorts would turn them on so we get raped. Well uh, here's a wacky idea- why don't you punish these retards in the first place?! No matter what we wear, we get raped, so how does it make a difference? And the authorities can't use the old excuse- 'she was asking for it' to run away from the absurd truth that they can't take the blame/do something about it. It is all EXTREMELY stupid. I was beyond pissed when I heard the news about this incident for the first time. I could just go on about how pissed off I am, but I have other things to say as well, but seriously, this is the most shameful act in the country. Personally, I feel that the rapists for this case should be hanged so there would be at least some fear for these fucktards. As worded by Sunitha Krishnan, "Rapists walk free, victim gets life term".

2.   Recently I just got over with my exams. I was worried because I thought I won't have time to finish studying, but it was at times like these when a familiar voice rings in my head. 

Me: Ma'am, how will I study!??!?! I am so screwed. There isn't much time and qwertyuiopi'mfreakingout!
Yoda: You can do it. Remember, there are 24 hours in a day. It is up to you how to use it.

So I had this conversation with my Economics teacher back in 10th grade. I was worried about my finals and I didn't have time to study at all, and I had no clue what was going to happen to me. That was when my teacher said that there are 24 hours in a day. I don't know why, but after that time, though I've heard this quote so many times, I felt the most inspired at that moment. Being the wannabe nerd that I am, I made this quote reflect in my grades. It's like this quote magically converted the D I had in the preboard exams to an A by my 10th grade finals! And 11th/12th grades are frightening times. Your grades kind of define your future, so who wouldn't want to do well? When you're struggling though, just remember, there are 24 hours in a day. I'd stay up late/wake up early and study every freaking thing and practice every question, and use my time wisely. Because I knew that 24 hours is a fair time. And we get to use it.

Seriously, when I see this, I just feel so motivated to do something!! Don't you feel it too?!

Besides the woes of a worried 11thie, I have another reason to be inspired.


And after listening to this I was just  9E9GRREOVPOOUR45EROVOOOOQOWoi*(32R7283R72389T7 Z239~)!>@>>@>REJGP seriously, I can't say much about this because I was literally speechless by the beauty of the sound. It is so cool how they combined classical and contemporary, but in ways of instruments and the scenario and stuff, with the Phantom of the Opera and the classy-ish setting and oh ye godsss I still can't get over how amazing this is. I have respect for every kind of music, and this one just happens to be a step amazing-er because even without any lyrics or anything, it touched my heart, mind, soul, everything! And whenever I listen to this, I just feel a lot better and it awes me everytime.

So my dear lovelies, I have just given you 3 reasons for why the world can't end. It is too strong, too inhabited with inspiration and beauty. Of course there are thousands of other reasons, but these are just to name a few.

Today is the 21st of December, 2012, the alleged/futile apocalypse, however, I don't see the world ending any time soon. It is too awesome to end. Other than the scientific reasons, of course. So yeah, happy NOT-apocalypse! And tomorrow, I'm gonna sit and watch the movie 2012 so I can laugh at all that drama.

PS- To offer support for the victim of the gang rape incident, and to help India rid any future atrocities of such kind, sign the petition: Death For Rape
My heart goes out to the victim, and I truly hope she will fight against this terrible deed. She is a sign of hope for our country, and I offer my full support to the victim and her family. And my heart goes out to the protesters. I'm not being allowed to protest (-.-) but I'm so freakin' proud of those people braving the winter chill and fighting for this girl, and against every shameless dweeb out there, to save India's present and future.

Yours truly, and very much alive, 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Typed Flow of Consciousness.

I hate un-updated blogs. I know that it's barely been a week since I updated mine, but still I just feel like it's wrong to not keep taking time out to write for my readers (if any :P). 

So I had an exam today, and my head is heavy with sleep and my eyes are drooping and I can't stop thinking about Malthusian Theory and I just need to clear my head. 

Yes, this is one of my rants. 

I'm not the sort of person who can keep it all in, i.e. I have to figure some way to let thoughts out, because when I have too much to think about, my head explodes.

So, to prevent such explosions, I either blabber it all out on my (unfortunate) friends who are forced to listen. Or I make paintings like the one above. OR, I follow this tactic.

It's called... drumroll.... "The Typed Flow of Consciousness".

Okay, I know that sounds very lame/weird/nice, I just made that up right now. So, what is this typed flow thing, you ask? 

Well, it's very simple. It is an alleged effective way to clear your mind and make you stop thinking for sometime. Well, it works for me, I'm not sure it'll work for everyone. So basically, what you have to do is type it all out. It doesn't matter what you type, how you type, where you type, but just. keep. typing. Punctuation and spellings are unnecessary. The rules of the English language is totally N/A here. You type whatever you want to type, in whatever way you want to. Just make sure it flows out continuously, don't even stop to think, just type whatever you want, let your fingertips guide you.

Demo? Sure!

There weren't many who had the capability of flying in wingless dreams as if the touch of poison could wound the many thoughts and feelings you had when you were let down and disease floated like the influenza virus as the sun sweated cold blood that rained while you were wet and wandered in circles searching black holes to find those who were devoured by inhumanity and we claim it’s a democracy when humble minded nomads could only wish for the vein next to the heart as they are unloved in memories that make pain seem far away though when remembered they can’t be untrained with perseverance because they follow you around and dream with your darkest dreams that could not be fulfilled because this world is insanity coated and you happen to be the soulful depth. 

^Okay so. That was my demo. I know it's kind of nerdy and sounds slightly poetic, but maybe that's how my inner poet-ness figures a way out! Maybe yours will too.  IF you actually read it all, I'm sure you might be confused and slightly amused, but honestly, even I don't know what I've written. I like to assume that it is something deep. It was written a few days ago when I just needed to clear my head out. So when I re-read it recently, I tried to picture what I wrote. And...

My imagination is astounding, isn't it? You know it is.

And it's totally cool if you write something totally weird. I got one of my friends to do it too, and here's what she came up with:

My nose is blocked and I have a cold and that is very annoying and it is also annoying to not use punctuation are you annoyed by me in this world filled with raspberries and chocolate when all you want to do is sleep and punch a really fat monkye.  

Again, I'm not sure if it will work for everyone, but this most certainly works for me! I'm guessing it's the continuous, rhythmic sound of the keyboard, along with being able to make words, that makes the human mind feel some comfort. It also serves as a remedy for heavy-headed-ness. I'm so helpful, na? 

That's all. Have a nice, clear day :]

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I found something interesting..

I'm supposed to be studying for exams, BUT I just need to share this like right now.

So I was procrastinating (as usual) and just out of curiosity, I typed 'blog analyzer' on google, and a lot of stuff popped up, but THIS! was by far the most interesting. Relatively. 

I only found out about this right now and idk why, I'm just kind of fascinated! You type in the URL of your blog and it guesses the age of the blogger. So, I did that. And....

And after I read this I felt so mature and stuff, I mean, I'm 16, and they think I'm 18-25!!!! Lol. Okay. I think this studying is driving me just a little insane. For those of you who don't have a blog, fear not!! You are still loved. And you can use this link to be a creep and guess the ages of random bloggers you've encountered. 

And wait, this isn't the end of this entry. I need to slam my head against the keyboard.


^okay that's interesting. My whole head only takes that much space. TAKE THAT, EXZAAMMZZZ!!!
ex-aaaams. exams. eeeeggggss. hams. egg. sams. samshamexams. 
Okay whatever. I'll get back to studying now. Much lav. 

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Remember those pretty, forwarded messages you'd get from people that you would either read/choose to ignore because it defines cheesiness? There was a point when I would dream of unicorns and follow advice like Where there is a will, there is a way :) and look for the way when I found my will, but as I grew older and my belief in unicorns faded, these simple sayings got harder and harder to figure out because there was always a contradiction. Yes, I'm an over thinker who destroys people's serenity, and that's why I'm sharing this post.

The saying:
"Never share your secrets with anyone, this can be self-destructive. Never tell your problems to anyone, 20% don't care, 80% are glad you have them."
This is one of the popular sayings that I see/hear almost everywhere. But there's also another...
The clash:
"Do you know why God didn't give us the gift to read others' minds? So that we could have the chance to trust, and the privilege to be trusted."
Both of them are nice sayings, but when you think about it, the first one technically says don't trust anyone, (because telling someone your problems and secrets qualifies as trusting) and the second one indirectly says that you should trust people, so what am I supposed to do?! To trust or not to trust, that is the question. :(

The saying:
"Practice makes perfect"
The clash:
"Nobody's perfect"
Do I need to explain? Plus, I think everyone has already heard this one lol.

The saying:
"Actions speak louder than words."
The clash:
"The pen is mightier than the sword."
So the first quote says that you should speak less and do more, but in the second one, the pen symbolizes speaking and the sword is action, so am I supposed to get the sword and do some action or take a pen and make words?!

The saying:
"True beauty lies within"
The clash:
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
THE clash:
"Appearance is deceptive"
The eyes are not within, they are very much physically visible on the outside! And if you think appearance itself is deceptive, why do you care about the person's eye in the first place? Plus, I'm certain that no one judges the beauty of a person, just by their eye structure, I mean seriously!

There are other sayings and proverbs too, that just make me want to question humanity.

The saying:
"All things come to those who wait."
I waited for the crowd at the food counter to clear up, and by the time I got there, there were no burgers left. And besides, when you say "ALL things", what's that supposed to mean? I won't get burgers but all the nonliving things in the world will be mine all of a sudden? 

The saying:
"Hope for the best and prepare for the worst."
If I'm hoping for the best, I'm gonna be in a hopeful mood, right? So when I start preparing for the worst, automatically all the hope would drain off, because I'm expecting/thinking about the worst case scenario. Hence, by preparing for the worst, I'm not hoping for the best, and both can not be done together. Plus, I explained a lot about this in my previous entry. Read this.

The saying:
"Do nothing. Flowers Bloom. Grass Grows by Itself."
What if there's a flower in the middle of a (surprisingly fertile) mud road? A car will run over it, and while the car runs over, the flower will just sit there and bloom? I mean, I know flowers aren't the best example, but you get what I mean, right? 

The saying:
"Love is not written on paper, for paper can be erased, nor is it etched in stone, for stone can be broken. But it is inscribed on a heart- and there it shall remain forever.
So basically, love letters are pointless and you should meet your cardiologist to inscribe your lovers' name in your heart. Oh, how I envy the luck that the whole medical industry will have, especially on Feb 14th.

These proverbs are, however, mostly old and redundant. What about now? The 21st century?

Now there are plenty of things that I see on facebook these days. These, you could say, are the modern versions of allegedly thoughtful/typical quotes, for example:

In the picture above, the post talks about how a girl should be handled with care, and there's a rather lovely picture of a girl dozing off. Maybe it's just me, but sadly, I fail to find the relevance of the picture with the quote, but I must say that's a fancy pillow cover. And nice lamp. 

It's not like I'm criticizing the modern quotes you see these days, some of them are actually pretty good. But it's just that. arrrghh. those repetitive quotes get annoying after a while! And I found a post on 9gag that actually describes my thoughts on those typical posts you see everywhere- Click here

And well, if you have a facebook cover that says something like that, I'm sorry, okay? Even I have tons of friends who do, and I'm pretty sure they hate me now :P

Until next time, (xoxo)

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Expectation Theory.

Okay so originally the post title was gonna be 'My expectation theory', but I'm guessing many of us already apply this theory, so I didn't really want to claim it's my own creation.

We all expect. We expect like crazy. In fact, I expect you, yes you, my favorite reader, to read this entire post and praise it. I expect so many things, and so do you, and we all have expectations for each other, and well, that's life.

But what happens when life refuses to fulfill our expectations?

Disappointment. Now that's something every human being has experienced. If you read halfway through my blog entry and decide it's boring, you have failed to reach my expectations, and I am disappointed. (sad face). Oh god I feel so psychological and human behavior reading types right now!

Now, I (and many other people) have decided to follow this theory to prevent disappointment. I'm sure you already know it. But I just HAD to include it in my blog, and that also right NOW. I mean, I have just got home from school, and haven't even changed my uniform, and here I am, letting it out before I lose/forget it.

Don’t Expect! J

Face it. There are too many disappointments in our lives and we can't suffer it any longer. That test you thought you did well in, you're not topping the class. That new hairdo you got to gain attention of your crush, well, it's not very attention-seeking. Your ice cream will melt and the sun will set and winter will arrive to chill your bones and drown your happiness. Okay. So you get the point. I'm sure by this time, you probably hate me for killing your mood by being such a realist all of a sudden, but yes, my beloved, these are the disappointments you are expected to live by, and you suffer one, constantly. 

So what do you do? (I'll repeat again because the previous timing wasn't good enough)

Don’t Expect! J

Don't expect! Or if you must, expect little. When you give that test, try your best, but expect to simply pass. When you get your hair permed, expect attention from say, your freakishly observant geology teacher. When it gets cold, don't expect it to be summer the next day. In fact, just don't expect, and trust me, you'll enjoy life a lot more without that 'OHH THIS BETTER HAPPEN' burden. It's tried and true, folks.

Of course, now you're thinking "How canst thou eradicate expectations? I need thist to fuel my potential". So if you ignore the new random word I made up (thist) and the wacky Englischhh, I agree and understand that it will be hard, but it comes with time and practice. Keep distracting your mind hideous design on your friend's pet frog's back. Or something of that sort. As long as you.....

Don’t Expect! J

I won't lie, I am enjoying this^ 

However, let me just say that it may not work for everyone. Yes, it is true that maybe, if you expect, you push yourself to your limits and reach your maximum potential. So I guess I could say that this is only advisable to those who have simply HAD IT with disappointment ruining every moment's awesomeness. And you never know, without expecting for that special ice cream sundae your uncle gives you every Friday, you are actually avoiding disappointment that would have come if your uncle decides to give you an itch cream instead of an ice cream, one fine Friday. 
And imagine your surprise when you do get your hair permed and everyone, including the special someone, notices the waves of your hair and makes a nerdy joke about wavelengths (okay how do I even think of such examples), and that surprise happened entirely because you didn't expect that to happen. So when it DID happen, you are all mind blown and awe struck.

So..uh...on a quick ending note, I realize this blog entry is all dull and unattractive because I was too lazy to prettify it, and include my cliparts or drawings or whatever, but I'm sure you'll forgive me for that. And no, there is no reason that I wrote this entry on this particular day at this particular time, in case you were wondering. Okay, great, now you're wondering. Well, please don't wonder, and please don't expect, and you will be guaranteed (I guess) to be pleased!  

Much hugs and painted mugs, (what?)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Old and typical tv shows!

Gawd Blimey! What a nasty weather! If you will pardon me, I shall attempt to write a blog entry on the awesomeness of the olden times and enlighten you with my lovely/dreary British slang, while the weather wears on and keeps me indoors.

"I want to see Part 1 and 2 as well". - Click here!

PS- notice the background music and stuff!

At times I suspect if I was accidentally born in the 21st century, because my mind often strays back to the centuries of the past, with those ankle length dresses, ink pens, the British-influenced-American accents that the posh wannabes forged, and of course, the old tv classics. The past is like perfume that fades with time, but can always get sporadic renewals, and get you all tickety-boo!

Of course, that doesn't mean I hate the movies they make these days.. but.. there's always this classy, quirky acting that the old movies have, that just CAN NOT be beaten. Perhaps it's the kewl outfits, or the accents, but it just fascinates me to lay my eyes on such shows (Alfred Hitchcock Presents), because it takes me back to a time where there were no cell phones. Or iPods. Or laptops. And people spend their spare time doodling with mustard or knitting, or whatever. Not that people don't do that these days or anything! But yeah.

I am quite uncertain on whether I may be correct, but I feel as if there is a gradual inclination for many others (like me) to travel back in time these days. I recently discovered another blog-
It is just kind of comforting to read old english (some of the blogger's posts are all vintage and antique-ey) and yes, I know what you are thinking, my darling reader, and no, I am convinced that I am not a very insane person.

Another thing I wanna talk about is (it's been a while since I've posted so I kind of have a lot to sayy) is the OMG the background music that you hear, but wisely chose to ignore, in television shows, movies, and stuff.

These days, I have been giving particular attention to the background music. Because it fascinates me sometimes! Each different region has a different background effect.

Like, for eg, South Indian serials, I have noticed, have really fast classical music in suspense/bad scenes. So the scary sound of a female voice spazzing with millions of sitars in the background, or the soft and calming, yet haunting sound of a harmonium, controls your mood more than the script/acting.

For North Indian, I'm sure we all have heard of Balika Vadhu. If you haven't, here's a random scene-

Omg. Now after watching it, I can't resist but write down a few (freakishly comical) things you'll find in just about every Indian serial!!! Here are some-
1) Suspense/scary background music runs for(......)ever
2) In the meantime, faces. The camera goes from Anandi to Kalyani to Sumawati or whoever, and back to Kalyani.
3) They speak with eyes. Honestly, the script may be less than 5 words, but to convey the message, it takes the whole 30 minutes of the scene.
4) SUDDEN shift in mood. The lightning speed music rushes and suddenly, it's quiet, happy, and nonsensical.

Of course, these funny things are smashed aside as over 80% of the viewers, I'm sure, watch these serials with utmost interest and seriousness. Sometimes I do sit down with my grandma and watch it for fun, because it is just so entertaining :P

And ofcourse, you go abroad, you may find similarities, and maybe I'm wrong, but I guess Grey's Anatomy has more drama on the script and acting than the effects, unlike Indian tv shows. Now, I'm not saying what's right and what's wrong, but perhaps after today, you'll start noticing the background music and old tv shows!

PS- Nothing in this post is meant to insult/hurt your sentiments. In case you do watch Balika Vadhu and suddenly feel like punching me if you felt anything I mentioned was insensitive, please forgive me :)

Much love, 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Wintry days and injured knee.

Hey you.

It's the first day of November over here, and I'm just squeezing in another blog entry because I was JUST so keen to have one on the first day of the new month, I mean, what's kewler than that, right? 

As the post title says, you can clearly decipher that it's getting colder day by day, much to my chagrin. I hate cold weather. It's nothing personal, it's just that it makes me sick and puke-y and lonely and dreamy and well, just cold. It's not a pleasant feeling. I remember during summer I would go like 'OH HOW I WISH IT WAS WINTER' and well, when winter finally arrives, my mind backfires to those sweaty humid days... ahh summer, I miss thee. 

Well other than that, there's another annoyance to add to my list of present annoyances and that is my stupid, injured knee. Do I need to explain? :(

Since I'm too sleepy to use Paint, I'll make a rage comic. 

^I am so terrible with this!!!! 

Due to the insanely vague comic, I'll just stick to text now. So basically our school had to travel to this hilly place for camp and to complete a project in a village. That's where this incident happened. And now I'm kind of paralyzed and spend my whole day limping around and mourning over the pain of the injury and replacing bandages and bunking school, and man am I bored! Though the pain has subsided a bit, I'm stuck at home till I stop limping. And now I bet you readers are like, totally judging me now, I mean, which normal person walking on the road would suddenly feel like running like a retard and end up with an injured knee? I did feel rather stupid at that point, and what's weirder is that I couldn't stop laughing when I fell, even if my concerned friends were asking me to shut up because the injury was pretty deep. 

And come on, don't you ever feel free, and then feel super free, and you just want to feel the rush of wind through your hair as you're surrounded by greenery and the whip-lash of speed just coursing through your veins making you feel ecstatic and natural? ...Okay maybe not. But I think that could be one of the possible reasons for why I ran, other than a) I had to pee really badly so I ran so I wouldn't feel that urge to pee, or b) An eye-less zombie was chasing me. Or it could be a dog.

So tomorrow I won't be going to school (again), and if I were to say that to myself say, last week, I would've been crazy with joy, but tonight, I actually am quite upset of not being able to go to school, because I've been genuinely bored for the past week when I was stuck with the stupid injured knee. 
Trust me, this is not something you want. -_- 
Till next time, people with unharmed knees. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

I'm buzzing with excitement.

I don't know if I should be excited or ashamed. I don't know if I'm the most hip-n-happenin' person or the most un-hip-n-happenin' person, or maybe I'm just really sleepy, and the lack of sleep is making me hyper, and releasing crazy thoughts, but today/night, I will be talking about our small little adhesive colorful friends- Mosquito Repellent Patches!!!

These are what the pretty ones look like <3 - 

The whole Delhi-NCR region screams DENGUE!! DENGUE!! (And I still pronounce it as 'dengoo' when most grammar queens claim it's 'dengee') and we need something bigger than a huge mosquito eating penguin, or a deadly Citronella tower, or anything of that sort. Something compact, effective, portable (why do I feel like I'm advertising), and fashionable, in one, sticky, pretty, sticker. 

Believe it or not, these things started years back, and I only found out about it like, a few days ago? When everyone flaunted these at school. I just don't know why, but I'm excited by these things. Recently I got my own share of mosquito repellent patches, albeit the non-smiley ones. Maybe I'll pull out a Sharpie and make faces on it, and make it look just like those pretty ones. But I hope it won't like, make the patch ineffective or something. Maybe the Sharpie ink will fight a duel with the Citronella. And win. 

^Okay. I believe I need to sleep now, before I go further insane. 

It's also sad how so many of my friends/acquaintances are suffering from dengue. I guess I'll take this opportunity to wish them to get well soon. 

Oh and I just remembered a mosquito bit me last night. I hope the thoughts of the probabilities of me getting dengue won't haunt me tonight. I wonder what my reaction will be when I'll see this post tomorrow morning. Maybe I'll freak out because I wrote this while I was half asleep. Or half awake. Goodnight, awakeners. (<-- did I seriously just say tha?)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Extreme Doodling.*

I know a few people who doodle their way through classes and end up with beautiful, yes BEAUTIFUL masterpieces that ought to be exhibited in the nearest Louvre-ish museum. But there are also some who simply know and accept that art is not their forte, and manage to come up with something...well..similar to this.


The last page of my Economics notebook

My friend Sandy and I definitely got some help from some generous people throughout the journey of the evolution of this...this...THIS. It was one of those days when the classroom was extra stuffy, extra boring, and everything just lacked wildness and beauty. So is there something wrong with letting our inner desires and emotions out on paper? If you ignore the vulgarity (if you notice any), you'll realize that we have crazy, over-imaginative minds!

And this is where I feel like a kid again (not that I'm all adult-ish and grown up now). 

Let's see if you can spot the following in the doodle above:

  • A hand with a tongue jutting out of it
  • Failed attempt at making a Rupee symbol
  • The piercings on the half tribal half pogostick (HTHP) creature
  • A boy wearing heels dangling on the braid extending from the HTHP creature's head
  • The birds perched on (one of the) random feet jutting out of the HTHP's head
  • Religious bird
  • Random mathematical symbols working together in harmony
  • etc (because my eyes hurt from searching now)
I apologize if the picture was a bit too disturbing due to its overwhelming beauty (notice the star on the title), or if it hurts your sentiments in any way. In the meantime, I should tear that page off before my teacher sees it :P

Much love,

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Freakazoid and the Future.

When I go insane, I go insane. I would like to begin with a sincere apology to all those distressed souls that I distressed even more with my crazy talk.

I'm the Red one. But you already guessed that.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to keep your composure inherently. This is just one of those moments when I abruptly panic and turn into a freakazoid.

And about the future, well, what can I say? You can't always be 100% sure of what's going to come your way, so mostly we just mentally prepare ourselves, right? There is so much you could be doing this very second, like your homework, or researching on the average cockroach's perspiration rate, or just reaching a decision on what you want to do in life. But what are you really doing? Reading my awesome blog entry (which is totally productive, just btw). 

So presently, I'm freaked out, confused, and insane in life, but slowly, it's working out. And I'm not going to make decisions under pressure, isn't it wise to make it with a clear mind? For now, I'll keep tricking my brain into thinking there's time, and do whatever I can this moment. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Thoughts. {I made a BLOG!}

So this whole blogspot thing has another addition to it and I don't know why I'm rambling maybe I'm excited okay I'm so hungry and yes! I have a blog now.

I think I'll use pictures now to describe my feelings.
Before I made a blog:

After I made one:

So clearly you can conclude that I'm quite happy, and I'd advice you to stop thinking about how I magically transformed from a cartoon-ish hyperbolic dismayed girl to a smiling smiley. I'd also advice you to stop hating on the first drawing, I know my skills aren't the most amazing skills, but hey, I tried! My hair is so not brown, btw.
However, I cleverly left out the drawing which would've been titled "While I made the blog."
Here's a list of some of the things in my mind as I created this dsfkjhwerh masterpiece:
  • What's the time?
  • Is there food in the fridge?
  • What should be the name of this blog?
  • Ooh, pinkkk
  • This is taking so much time!
  • When will I be done?
  • Great, I'm hungry now
  • There are barely any birds in the sky today
  • Will I get butt cramps for sitting for so long?
  • ..Okay, perhaps not.
The last statement was made a few minutes ago. Then came the smiley part. 
So yes, this is my very first blog entry. It took approximately 4 hours to reach here (inclusive of the time taken to procrastinate, eat, socialize, pee, etc) I wonder if I'll ever be a pro with this blog-customizing thing. 

Much love, procrastinators,