Saturday, November 24, 2012


Remember those pretty, forwarded messages you'd get from people that you would either read/choose to ignore because it defines cheesiness? There was a point when I would dream of unicorns and follow advice like Where there is a will, there is a way :) and look for the way when I found my will, but as I grew older and my belief in unicorns faded, these simple sayings got harder and harder to figure out because there was always a contradiction. Yes, I'm an over thinker who destroys people's serenity, and that's why I'm sharing this post.

The saying:
"Never share your secrets with anyone, this can be self-destructive. Never tell your problems to anyone, 20% don't care, 80% are glad you have them."
This is one of the popular sayings that I see/hear almost everywhere. But there's also another...
The clash:
"Do you know why God didn't give us the gift to read others' minds? So that we could have the chance to trust, and the privilege to be trusted."
Both of them are nice sayings, but when you think about it, the first one technically says don't trust anyone, (because telling someone your problems and secrets qualifies as trusting) and the second one indirectly says that you should trust people, so what am I supposed to do?! To trust or not to trust, that is the question. :(

The saying:
"Practice makes perfect"
The clash:
"Nobody's perfect"
Do I need to explain? Plus, I think everyone has already heard this one lol.

The saying:
"Actions speak louder than words."
The clash:
"The pen is mightier than the sword."
So the first quote says that you should speak less and do more, but in the second one, the pen symbolizes speaking and the sword is action, so am I supposed to get the sword and do some action or take a pen and make words?!

The saying:
"True beauty lies within"
The clash:
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
THE clash:
"Appearance is deceptive"
The eyes are not within, they are very much physically visible on the outside! And if you think appearance itself is deceptive, why do you care about the person's eye in the first place? Plus, I'm certain that no one judges the beauty of a person, just by their eye structure, I mean seriously!

There are other sayings and proverbs too, that just make me want to question humanity.

The saying:
"All things come to those who wait."
I waited for the crowd at the food counter to clear up, and by the time I got there, there were no burgers left. And besides, when you say "ALL things", what's that supposed to mean? I won't get burgers but all the nonliving things in the world will be mine all of a sudden? 

The saying:
"Hope for the best and prepare for the worst."
If I'm hoping for the best, I'm gonna be in a hopeful mood, right? So when I start preparing for the worst, automatically all the hope would drain off, because I'm expecting/thinking about the worst case scenario. Hence, by preparing for the worst, I'm not hoping for the best, and both can not be done together. Plus, I explained a lot about this in my previous entry. Read this.

The saying:
"Do nothing. Flowers Bloom. Grass Grows by Itself."
What if there's a flower in the middle of a (surprisingly fertile) mud road? A car will run over it, and while the car runs over, the flower will just sit there and bloom? I mean, I know flowers aren't the best example, but you get what I mean, right? 

The saying:
"Love is not written on paper, for paper can be erased, nor is it etched in stone, for stone can be broken. But it is inscribed on a heart- and there it shall remain forever.
So basically, love letters are pointless and you should meet your cardiologist to inscribe your lovers' name in your heart. Oh, how I envy the luck that the whole medical industry will have, especially on Feb 14th.

These proverbs are, however, mostly old and redundant. What about now? The 21st century?

Now there are plenty of things that I see on facebook these days. These, you could say, are the modern versions of allegedly thoughtful/typical quotes, for example:

In the picture above, the post talks about how a girl should be handled with care, and there's a rather lovely picture of a girl dozing off. Maybe it's just me, but sadly, I fail to find the relevance of the picture with the quote, but I must say that's a fancy pillow cover. And nice lamp. 

It's not like I'm criticizing the modern quotes you see these days, some of them are actually pretty good. But it's just that. arrrghh. those repetitive quotes get annoying after a while! And I found a post on 9gag that actually describes my thoughts on those typical posts you see everywhere- Click here

And well, if you have a facebook cover that says something like that, I'm sorry, okay? Even I have tons of friends who do, and I'm pretty sure they hate me now :P

Until next time, (xoxo)


the creation of beauty is art. said...

This post is such a great idea. I have always found quotes like this cute and uplifting....I never realized how many of them contradict one another!

Anonymous said...

well... i REALLY liked this post ^_^
evn i didnt realize tht so many quotes contradict one another :|
but... from my opinion (my own personal thinking) u took tht ''waiting'' part a bit too literally :P

songbird said...

Well they are cute and uplifting, but I just wanted to show everyone another side to these quotes. Thanks so much for your comment! :D

songbird said...

Haha, hell yeah I took it literally, and I did it to add to the humor. Thank you for your comment! :D

caribooze said...

haha oh my god this is hilarious, marry me?:D

songbird said...

YES!!!!! :D

Anonymous said...

But if you can't have burgers, would you really want any other good things? That's food for thought Bull, mull this over carefully. And that really was a fancy pillow-cover, nice eye! (I just called you beautiful Raiz, be grateful)
-Shit :*

songbird said...

Hahaha Shit you crack my Bull-face up so bad!! Go eat your burger noww