Saturday, June 29, 2013


No, I'm not here to talk about muse qualities... though muses may have good qualities, especially if they are muses about good things..

Bahhht, that is not the point. I'm talking about equality for music, or Musequality. (insert excuse for being lame here)
I know what you're thinking. How can there be equality for music? I can't love One Direction as much as I love Pink Floyd! and/or Excuse unexcused, pshh.
Now, whether you're having the first thought or the second thought, I'm not here to ask you to love every song by every artist in this whole world. Neither am I trying to be lame. But yes, I am here to bring some sense into your mind about why I'm against the worshiping of one type of music followed by threats to shred other artists to nanomolecules.

Let's create a hypothetical situation, shall we?
This right here is a Youtube video of this new singer called meeuuu_sick98. He loves experimenting with autotune.

1 Like 3,997 Dislikes

Top Comments
998 thumbs up
humpiggy321: I do not know why you exist. I had thought our classics had rejuvenated this messed up contemporary society, and just when I had begun to restore my faith in humanity, you pop up. Seriously, our great John Lennon would look down upon us for having such people in today's world. What has music come to? I shudder to think how far you can go. Please get help. They'll hopefully play some Beatles for you in rehab.
563 thumbs up

All Comments
yoooooo: u sukk!!!! u fat turd
muzeekfoeveriii: AAH MY EARS!
ilovebacon: your orange streak doesn't go with your purple swiggles that you call your hair.
biGbOobiezs: nO I WOnt DaTE u n' rAte 0!!!!!!!!!
TheCuriousCaseOfToiletPaper: drink my vomit, a*hole
kyutegal101: Umm.. I dont think your that bad actuallyy.... <Note: This comment has been marked as spam due to too many negative votes>
               Reply by polkaponypants41: that's coz you as ugly as him
               78 thumbs up
888pointyclaws777: you sound AND LOOK bad.

After reading all this, meeuuu goes like "That's IT!!! I'm gonna teach these guys a lesson."
Now there are two things he might do.
1) Spend a painful amount of time tracking each of his haters and making them eat poisoned apples.
2) Think of why he chose to sing in the first place. Think about his beliefs, and stand up for them. 

Option 1 might be excruciatingly hard and time consuming. But option 2? Would his haters change their minds if he reasoned things out? Now, not a single One Direction hater would stop hating on the band after reading one person's opinion. It is not possible to change the mindset of a whole portion of the globe just like that. But thinking about what you believe in might just be the first step. Of course, if meeuuu was actually a terrible singer, with no knowledge about octaves or rhythm, he should just back off. Or take music lessons. However, if he is, by any chance, actually capable of singing a whole 3 minute song without cracking a glass or being completely off-tune, he might just be suffering a rather unfair situation.

Think about it. Yes, meeuuu is ugly, fat, and his stereo slightly does resemble a lunchbox (let's not blame the maker, here). But what if, underneath all that autotune, the guy can actually sing? Maybe... just maybe, it is the organization of the music or the writing of the lyrics that he needs to practice. And come on, doesn't everyone make mistakes? Especially, since he is an amateur, he is definitely justified in messing up. 

Now, one of meeuuu_sick98's haters posts a link to this meme:

I personally enjoy Lady Gaga's music, AND Lennon's songs. But suppose Lady Gaga reads this meme and decides 'Hey you know what? I'm gonna start singing like Lennon so these people don't hate me!' But will that work? No.. that's pretty much like asking Snape to become a belly dancer. People would, in fact, hate her even more. I can almost hear muzeekfoeveriii screaming "DO YOUR OWN THING HOE" 
So what do I have to say about this meme?

1) Lady Gaga performs music for a completely different genre. Her music is different, her style is different, and people are completely entitled to their opinions. You can't possibly compare the upbeat LoveGame to John Lennon's Imagine. She is just a little different, and why is it that when someone does something differently, people mostly hate on them? Okay, so you probably don't like Lady Gaga that much, but you can't say that she can't sing because odds are, she could probably reach notes that are 50 times below your lowest note. 

2) Since when did people start squeezing meanings out of everything in life? That cup is placed 60 degrees eastward, facing 18% surface area of the sun. What is the meaning of that? You blinked twice in a row. What does that mean?
Honestly, I think you should just admit that there are some things that DON'T have meanings. Perhaps Lady Gaga paid more attention to the music than the lyrics, and maybe her aim was to create fun, upbeat music that everyone can fistpump to. Perhaps that is just like how Lennon along with Yoko Ono sang "Give Peace a Chance" to protest against war. 

Now, again, I know what you're thinking. Yeah so Lennon protests against wars while Gaga raids the disco. Maybe you could rephrase that to say that maybe Gaga entertains, and creates music to which you slam your booties to chill after a hard day. It may not seem as important as Lennon's motives, but it is definitely a start at taking different perspectives on those we are hating on.

Another case I'd like to take: Eminem is the only true rapper. He raps about life, unlike other rappers concerned with drugs, sex and money. 
I saw a page like this somewhere, and trust me, I had Liked that page too, once. But now I realize the blunder.
I love Snoop Dogg, is there something wrong with me? Do you see me as a pink-haired, dilated eyed girl scrubbing chewing gum off her shoes? For chrissake! I enjoy listening to Snoop Dogg because he is fun to listen to! And omg, you should listen to this song-


When I first heard this song, I couldn't understand A SINGLE WORD. Nope, what, your girlfriend had a sugar stick and now she is fat? And now you want her to dance so she loses weight?
The point is, NONE OF THAT MATTERS. I don't care about your girlfriend's weight-loss strategies, and neither do I care about the possible double meaning of sugar stick. All I care about is the music. And when I hear it, I forget about all my worries in the world and just let go! 

After a deep, introspective session of listening to a bunch of classics, isn't this exactly the sort of thing that you would want? To blow all your thoughts inside a balloon and just let it go so it makes that funny fart sound??? 

You walk around wearing big environment-friendly shirts and Yoda masks claiming to be the "true" music lover, well your comments on meeuuu's video would explain it all! Music is not something that can be defined in terms of genres, or lyrics, or tunes, or whatever. It is a sound that evokes some kind of a feeling in you. It is something that you hear and makes sense to your brain, whether in terms of lyrics, or autotune. I love all kinds and types of music, and I'm proud to say that yes, I do have some One Direction in my iPod. I'm not gonna sit and whine like an old lady of how this world has become hopeless. In fact, I think this world has become even more amazing, enlightening us with a whole bunch of varieties. It is good to find people experimenting and trying new things.

I could sit here and talk about each and every artist and make this blog post as long as my cousin brother's lungi, but I won't do that. I'll just remind you that the time you spend seeking Justin Bieber's videos just so you can type hate comments on them and receive about half a million likes, can instead be spent on seeking your favorite singer's videos, enjoying them, and receiving likes for a compliment that you may type for them. Oh, and uh, if you still shudder like a freakin earthquake everytime you listen to a song you hate, well here's a wacky idea- why don't you just NOT listen to that song? You can still choose which songs you want to listen to, you know. -.-
People, I tell you.

Aah, I'm exhausted.
Hope I have made you think in some way!
Peace (Y) 


Ghadeer said...

Perfect! Spreading tolerance in every corner :D

songbird said...

Yep! :D

Anonymous said...

i used to dislike these one directioners and bielebers. Guess i can tolerate them now :P

songbird said...

I'm glad you can! :D