Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Belated bloggiversary!

You didn't think I'd forget about this, eh? ;)

Last year, I posted a bloggiversary entry 9 days late, and this year I'm posting one 9/3 months late. It seems that I'm getting more irresponsible every year.....

Anyhoo, I guess it is time to relive the moment and cherish the memories of this blog. Sometimes counting the years and looking back at the bald beginning is a real mood booster because it gives a sense of (no matter how fake it may be) how far this blog has come.

So this year, in honor of this 2 year long journey of my blog, I am attaching links to some of my most popular blog entries! I know this is not much, but I feel that looking back in hindsight can give a sense of the distance I have covered as a blogger and you as a reader. Maybe these entries will give you a sense of what my blog is really about, though my perspective and style as a writer will face changes throughout the years and there is no telling of where this is heading.
But visit these pages or revisit them because they will surely be entertaining. This could almost be my virtual Christmas present to my readers!

You might want to begin with my very first blog entry- Thoughts. {I made a BLOG!}

Why we love the Medical Industry could be next- with around 500 page views since the beginning of time, this page alone steals the show.

Followed by Extreme Doodling* and Girls vs. Guys- Facebook accounts, in which the pictures are missing, but hopefully not the zeal.

Then we have the new 2014 superstars-

The 10 phases of my eyebrows where I ramble about the shifting hairstyles of the mini mane on my forehead.
A packet of chips where I riot against food corruption like the hero I am.
And Delhi's road etiquette where I lament the streets because that's where I'm from. Or feel like I'm from, because of the pathetic-ness of my city.

And finally, I spoke to people who agreed on a couple of all-time favorites-

Bonus- My doodles- Probably a much better Christmas present from last year.
The insightful Elephant in the room?
Just to join the 'witty club' (okay that didn't sound witty at all)- Fun Insults
And to add to the destruction of love and various positive emotions- V-Day Special.

So here you have it! The entirety of my blog in just one entry. If I were you, I'd bookmark this page and refer back to it just to remind myself how capable a writer I am. (I just needed to convince myself that this entry is not a result of my lethargy- how easy is it to simply add links to various old entries!- and flatter myself because of my recent blogging inactivity).

Also, my sincerest apologies for the unavailability of pictures in several entries. They got deleted due to some utter foolish incident that I quite honestly haven't been able to move past to this day. Sigh.

Other than all this official talk, I'd just like to add how awesome this journey of mine as a blogger has been, even if this year's journey was a little shorter. *cue beautiful sanguine melody* I have nevertheless managed to learn a lot through blogging, and just this idea of having a place where I can ramble how much ever I want without being confined to word limits, topics, or language (hell yeah b!tches) (I'm still meek don't worry), has been so liberating and I have enjoyed every moment of it. I can't wait to continue this wonderfulness next year! 

It's been 2 years! Beloved readers, if I have grown, thank you for watching and supporting me.

Yours truly,


ʞɐ said...

Happy second blog anniversary. :)

You have come a long way with so many beautiful-insightful-brilliant posts. Though you say that these days you haven't been blogging, but you are not forgotten. And that accounts to something.

Keep writing.
Take Care. :)

songbird said...

Thanks a lot! Your comment is a real mood booster.

ʞɐ said...

Oh great. I'm glad to hear that. :)