Saturday, March 2, 2013

I like pie.

Actually I have never had pie before. Maybe I've had some version of a pie? But I have never touched a pie in my entire life. I probably should eat pie sometime. I think it's cool to tell white lies. Sometimes.

Okay, just ignore all that, I just couldn't think of an interesting title.

The weather has been mood swinging; One day it's super hot, the next day the wind blows the color from your face, the third day it rains, and the fourth day the sky falls from the sky. Re-wind and rep-eat.
Similarly, my mood has also been mood swingin'. I guess I'm like secretly synchronized to the weather or something. Maybe the weather is like my secret puppet operator, and maybe I'm just a puppet responding to the weather. Or maybe I'm just a humbug who hasn't had pie before.

Anyhoo, it is at times like this that being awarded makes everything normal again. Thank you Ajay for being so awesome and giving me the honor of...

THE CREATIVE BLOGGER AWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Oh my, isn't that a pretty picture?!)

OH YE-A-A-AA! I got this award, because (and I quote): "Creative in the sense of their writing and their presentation of ideas so beautifully and creatively" *blushes*

1. Thank the Blogger and link back to the blog.
2.a. Three things about yourself.
   b. Two things people don't know about you.
   c. One thing you want to change about yourself.
3. Answer the questions asked by the blogger.
4. Nominate this award to deserving blogs. Pass it on.
5. Ask some questions to the bloggers who got nominated.
6. Inform the bloggers about their award.

So, here we gooo.

1) So I take this opportunity to thank an awesome blogger/photographer, Ajay Kontham. You will find him at The Shaded Shadows™ !!! and you should all check out his awesome blog and hopelessly wish for any kind of award that he might just give you out of sheer kindness :P

2) a) 1) It takes time for me to open up to people. I let very selected few into my life, and I rarely speak openly to people other than my friends. This is bad in the sense that it takes time for me to adapt and get used to changes, but I guess this is also good because it helps me be picky and keep the people who matter the most, closest to me.
2) I love charity. I love helping out and doing charity work and giving advice. I know this point may seem kind of contradictory to the first point, but you must understand the difference between opening up to people, and being friendly. I can be friendly to people and lend them my pencil, but I may not open up to them and tell them more about my life.
3) I appreciate differences. We're all different human beings, and have different minds. Being shifted around different schools and places throughout my life, and having interacted with people from different races, ages, personalities, religions and backgrounds have really helped me be open-minded.

2) b) 1) I HATE being sympathized upon. There is nothing I hate more than that. Really. It disgusts me when people try to befriend me or talk to me or do me favors for me just because they feel bad for me, for whatever reason. It is really the worst feeling for me. There is a difference between talking to someone out of sympathy and talking to someone because you genuinely want to. On the other hand, I may sympathize, or even show empathy towards people, but if someone feels the same about this, I would leave them alone.
2) I can not stand the smell of petrol. I know a lot of people who do, but that smell literally makes me sick. That's why you may find me holding my breath at gas stations. Also, I have this weird OCD thing, I feel weird (the bad weird) when I see people rubbing their fingers against a silk cloth. It's really weird, but yeah. :S

2) c) I would change my body language. A lot of people have told me that I should stand straight, because I have had this really bad habit of slouching since 8th grade, and though people allege that I have improved drastically, there are still some remains I need to get rid of. I have also been told that I look shy, even if I may not be. So yeah, I need to work on that.

3) Yayy, questions!!

What is the one word that comes to your mind when you hear the following words/phrases? (Make it like a rapid fire round - Mention the first word that strikes you! And if you make if fast, it would be cool.)

a. World- Huge
b. Life- A tunnel with different colored walls with different designs at different intervals and for different time periods (I'm sorry this wasn't the 'word' you were looking for, but I really had just had to! :( )
c. Awards- YAYYY
d. School- Students
e. Love- Depth
f. Books- Adorable yellowing pages (I'm sorry, needed the phrase)
g. Death- Fear
h. Work- Opportunities
i. Sports- The whistle that PE teachers blow
j. (Your Name)- Emotions
k. Dog-Pointy teeth
l. Parents- Sacrifices
m. My Blog- 300 posts :P
n. Chocolates- Blessings!
o. Me/The Author/Ajay- Super friendly!!!

That was so much fun! Haha, and I'm sorry again if some of them are not single words. I really wanted to speak out over here :P

4) Can I nominate the blogger who nominated me also? :P
Ughh. This is so hard. I don't have many members eitherrr.

Skinny love for being so amazing with fashion and everything.
Spill beans for the most interesting and inspirational life stories.
the creation of beauty is art. for proving that the creation of beauty is art indeed.
the silence of the lambs for the deepest thoughts and truths.
Butterflies and Hurricanes for the most beautiful language and insights.

But again, I can never nominate enough people. Everybody has a creative side of their own, whether you blog or don't blog. I know now I'm being all "LIFE IS SO RAINBOWS AND UNICORNSSS!!! XOXO" types, but it's the truth, what to do!

5) Okay, now I have to ask some questions to the bloggers who got nominated. (I feel sorry for you guys already :P )
I would willingly be as cool as Ajay and make a rapid fire round myself, but I don't want to plagiarize and steal from his copyrighted mind :P But I'll still try to make this interesting..

1) Come up with the wackiest sentence/word/phrase imaginable. It doesn't have to make sense.
2) What is your favorite sock color?
3) Would you travel back in time, or travel forward in time? (assume you have this kickass time machine)
4) How are you feeling, at the moment?

6) Okay.

Once again, thank you so much Ajay, for letting me be a part of this fun activity, and also giving me the honor of this award!!! I really enjoyed this because this is much shorter and less time consuming than others (always a plus :P ) and the rapid fire was damn interesting! And thank you everyone who read this!

In the meantime, the weather continues mood swinging outside, and a leaf just slammed against my window, I think. I just hope it will soon be summerr :/ I still need to eat pie.

See ya later, alligator(s).


ʞɐ said...

First of all, Congratulations. :)

You quoted my line. Wow. Thanks. :P

And thanks for the kind and nice lines about my blog. Haha... well, You got one , ofcourse next time tough. :)

Interesting things you have about yourself. :D

Rapid Fire : Cool answers.
And the last one in that, well, Thanks. :)

The weather is that bad, huh?

Anyways, Take Care. :)
And keep writing, and in that way you can get your mind of the weather swings and mood swings as well, I guess.


songbird said...

Hahah, thanks :) Yeah, I should keep writing.

Ghadeer said...

Thank you! I'm flattered :$

You should try some blueberry pie. :) You're missing out on one of the simple great things in life.

songbird said...

Okay, I will try that! And you're welcome :)

the creation of beauty is art. said...

You are so so sweet! Thank you very much :)

I need to work on my body language as well. I tend to slouch or look down when I walk, which is a terrible habit!

songbird said...

You're welcome! Yess, we both should work on it :P