Sunday, February 10, 2013

I have been Liebstered!!! :'D

So the bit of German I learned has actually come in handy, it seems :P

THANK YOU SO MUCH Ajay Kontham!!!! My first blogger award ever!!! *sniffs*
So yeah, I'm not very familiar with how this works, but I'm gonna try.

I have been awarded the Liebster Award. (fangirls)

Isn't it beaut? :')

For those of you who are clueless, Liebster is a German word, which means 'dearest' (Thank you Google translate and remains of German from 9th grade)

So here goes the rules:

1. Thank the bloggy who awarded you
2. Post 11 interesting things about yourself
3. Answer the 11 questions questioned by the nominator
4. Choose 11 bloggers, create questionnaire for them (of 11), and let them know via comments

I have already thanked the awesomazing Ajay (thanks again!) so now lemme proceed to 11 things about myself... hmm let's seeee:

1) I am a terrible dancer. I used to dance a lot when I was younger, and I also learned dance, but I don't know how and when it happened, but these days, I'm just terrible! I look like a drunk infant when I try. Sorry if I disappointed you :P

2) I wear 2 different socks on each foot 80% of the time. Because wearing the same colored sock on each foot is too mainstream. Or I simply don't have the patience to search for a pair of socks. 

3) I can't keep grudges. I'll admit that I do fight with my friends and family occasionally, but they usually get solved the same day. I simple can not keep grudges. I can't handle the guilt and the pain and everything. So I usually forgive everyone, making some excuse like "life is short". Of course, if people take advantage of this weakness of mine, I get pretty pissed.

4) I don't like touching wash basins. It's a really weird thing, like OCD or something, but I simply can not touch wash basins. If I ever touch one even by mistake, I spend the next half hour scrubbing the skin of my hand out.

5) I love dull colors. Again, I know that might be pretty weird. Almost 60% of the people I know love bright colors and constantly nag me for my weird taste of dull things. I buy faded clothes, ogle faded furniture and buy antiques. My eyes hurt when I see bright things. Dullness sort of gives me comfort.

6) I hate it when people grow their nails. I'll admit it looks nice on some people, but whenever people have long nails, I automatically tend to cringe away from them. I don't like the idea of possibly getting hurt by their stylish claws. 

7) I LOVE TRAVELLING. Which is kinda ironic because I get carsick, but I love visiting new places. In fact, I plan to visit everyfreakinplace in the world once I get out of college.

8) I am quite sensitive to people. My eyes tear up when I see orphans begging on the street, or a lonely old person. I simply can not stand people getting hurt. Whether in movies or in real life. I just pity too much.

9) I am not a morning person, and I'm suspicious of people who are. Haha, I'm like a little cockroach that comes out at night! (y) 

10) Sometimes, I get sick of people. Every day kind of has a set limit for me. If I spend a day socializing way too much, the next day I would walk away from people and remain alone. I can't really explain the feeling, but it just gets too annoying after a while. It feels great to have your thoughts to yourself, sometimes.

11) I hate stereotypes. Of course, it's pretty funny when you make jokes about stereotypes (dumb blonde), but if someone is serious, I just feel like slapping them. "Oh you're emo, so you must be cutting yourself. Oh she's weird,  let's not talk to her." Seriously, I have a tendency to defy the rules of thoughts that the society had created, and I always, always deviate from the typical. I am proud to think different, and I try to be as open-minded as possible.

So yeah, I guess you know me a bit better now! Moving on...

I'm gonna answer the 11 questions asked by my awesomazing nominator..

1. Look at the lower right corner of the screen and mention the Time, plz.- It's 11:41 PM! Yayy

2. How did you end up with your Blog Name?  - Haha, I have mentioned this in my FAQ as well, but I'll repeat. I saw the word 'awakenings' somewhere, and I liked it. Then I just randomly brainstormed a word to go with it, and fancy awakenings didn't sound too ghetto or gawdy, so I just went with it! 

3. Open your mobile phone and go to messaging. No! I am not giving my number for you to text me. 
   a. If the Inbox has more messages than Sent, then reply as 'Famous'
   b. If otherwise, well, reply as 'Even More Famous'. :P
Hahaha I'm FAMOUS! :D But mostly because of all these random advertising shit sent by companies "Buy sauna slim belt and reduce your belly" or "downld hot babez picz sizzling modelss"

4. What is the one word that is stuck in your mind most of the time? - "Realize" I really don't know why, but that word just seems to pop up everywhere in my head... 

5. Your favorite Fiction Character?- Umm... I think Spongebob!! He's so cute! :') 

6. The craziest thing you might have ever done. - It's really hard to pick one, but one time, I was in a car with a couple of friends when I saw a random stranger, asked the driver to stop, and asked him "Hey, can you tell me the way to Narnia?" The dude just stood there and gawked, and I quickly asked the driver to drive away. I'm pretty sure the stranger could hear the howls of laughter of my friends for a good number of miles! 

7. Between Truth and Dare , which choice would you go with ? - Dare! Truths are boring. 

8. One word for my blog. Note : Insane, Stupid, Wth?, Wtf? , bla bla have already been used. So, pick up something Nice, plz, plz, plz, plz.... :P- Hahaha, well one word would be awesomazing. Not only because it's like my favorite word, but also because your blog is awesomazing. You have such fun stuff. Keep writing :D 

9. What makes you write? - Inner urges. Writing is like a necessity for me. Writing is my outpouring of thoughts in the middle of the night. Writing is the cure to silence. Sometimes, I feel that if I won't write that very moment, I will explode. So yeah. 

10. Favorite line/proverb/quote.- That's a really hard question. I don't remember my most inspirational quotes and stuff, but all I remember right now is the song Everchanging by Rise Against. Its lyrics have inspired me a lot somehow. 

11. If ever there is a chance to meet the author behind this blog, would you meet ? (Plz say Yes! for my satisfaction at least... Kiddin' :P ) So ? - Hahah, yes of course!!! You seem like such an interesting person, that it would be so awesome if we could meet someday. 

...Okay so now I need to come up with 11 questions.... so here goes...

1) What would be your ideal weapon to fight a zombie apocalypse?
2) Who is your favorite singer/artist/band?
3) What is the ideal vacation spot, according to you?
4) Do you believe in miracles? 
5) Why do you have a blog?
6) If you could choose between your left and right eye to see with for the rest of your life, which eye would you choose? (That was pretty random..)
7) What is your favorite punctuation mark?
8) Do you own a pet? 
9) On a scale of 1 to 10, how random are you?
10) What do you think of my blog?
11) You are going to die in 10 minutes. What are you gonna do? :P

Okay, now it's hard to choose 11 bloggers, because I barely have anyone as a member, so I'll just tag everyone who I know right now haha.

Gawwhh. That's all I can tag for now. #woesofnewblogger

Phew. So that took quite some time. So glad I'm done!

Once again, thank you Ajay, and I'm so freaking glad I could be a part of this awesomeness. Seriously, I feel so honored! And for my readers, bloggers and non bloggers, thanks for taking time out to read this pointless blabbering and hopefully, this has helped you get to know me a bit better! You may or may not be surprised by what all you've learned about me today, and I just hope it didn't make me seem any less awesome than how awesome you think I am! Well I'm really tired now. Goodnight! *yawns* 


ʞɐ said...

Congratulations. :)

So, you answered the questions. :P Thought, everyone would skip. :D

Lol @ Sauna Belt thing. :P

Awesomazing! - Thanks a lot. :D

Liked your reply to What makes you write.

So, Keep Writing.
Take Care.
Cheers. :)

songbird said...

Haha, those questions were too interesting to skip! Yayy, this was fun haha. Thanks! :D

the creation of beauty is art. said...

Congratulations on the award and thank you so much! You're awesome :)

Unknown said...

Whoa. I seriously feel like I'm so similar to you in so many ways.

Terrible dancer, can't keep grudges, 2 diff socks, love dull colors, very very sensitive to people's injuries/problems...

so strange! I really feel as if we're the same person by these questions.

Congrats on being awarded this, and thansk for answering the questions so fully! You make me feel much more normal.



songbird said...

beauty is art- Hahah, you're welcome. You deserve it :D

Gabrielle- Omg really? It's always cool to find people similar to you. I'm glad you read my blog. Twin :D

Ghadeer said...

Thank you so much for the award!

I have learned that you are unique and funky (2), someone who is rarely easy-going (3), a sweetheart (8), and sometimes very much like me (10)!

Anna said...

And thank you so much <3<3
you are amazing!:)

NaNa said...

so nice to know more about you =) and there's nothing bad with liking dull colours!

love from the NANA girls xoxo

songbird said...

Ghadeer- You are so welcome. And haha, really? So cool that we have all that in common!

Anna- Haha, you're welcome xoxo

NaNa- Really? Some of my friends totally judge me for being so.. dull :P But thanks so much! I feel better now haha :D