Saturday, March 22, 2014

Songbird's freedom song.

Aaahh. Where have my blogging skills gone?!

I haven't blogged in ages. And even if I may have, it feels like it's been ages. But I think I can make up for all this now. I would like to let you know that Songbird, the brain behind this blog, is officially out of the cage of school now! *applause* *cheer*

That's right, I have completed twelfth grade and unless I fail all my exams, I would like to think that I have left school behind- the cramming, the drama, the immature hypocrites, the bullies, the vulnerable, the infatuations, the insipid school food- it's all in the process of being buried in a little crater guarded by (lenient) hyenas. In the meantime, I plan to carry the good things- the lessons, the pleasant memories, the fun stories, worthy friends- with me and keep them in my preconscious as I'd step into the world of college pretty soon.

But before I do, I now have this loooong vacation in front of me. College won't start till about 3-4 months, which means I have extra time to blog, chill out, sleep, and feel unproductive. During exams, I had brilliantly planned out my holidays but now that they're finally here, I feel soooooo lazy and just sit and hit refresh on facebook every two seconds. I've been sitting lazily on my couch with my phone and I'm pretty sure my butt can never part with the furniture anymore. I'm too lazy to meet my friends, I'm too lazy to travel, in fact, I'm too lazy to use the bathroom, but hey, here I am, typing this entry in semi-doze trying to overcome this laziness. I'm going to try and stop whining now and uh. be productive.

I feel a little better to say that yes, my holidays haven't been a complete waste, for I managed to travel to this place called Jaipur with my friends a few days ago and it was wonderful. It was a roadtrip so we got a chance to explore fields, abandoned restaurants, obnoxious buildings, and the countryside on the way. Once we reached Jaipur, tired, exhausted, yet lively, we realized that we had been beautifully duped as the hotel room looked completely different from the picture they had posted in the website. But anyway, the room was habitable, and besides, we were only using it to sleep at night because the whole day we'd be out. So my friends and I, after a pleasant exchange of verbal criticisms with the receptionist about the room (I think he hates us now), left the hotel and embarked on a journey of Jaipur- the 'Pink' city (misleading, because the buildings are actually orange). We bought jewelry, rode camels and elephants, (elephants are the most beautiful, majestic and sorrowful creatures, I realized), tasted Rajasthani food (TOO SPICY), interacted with the locals and took pictures with them, saw freakshows, explored Rajasthani nightlife, went for fancy wine-and-dine, visited palaces, and bought more clothes. Moreover, I got the opportunity to try pottery for the first time, wear one of those colorful turbans, pretend to be a shopkeeper of a soda shop, and wear mehendi after years. To sum it all, it was the best trip I ever had, with the best people ever. 

Anyway, other than that, I'd like to say a couple of things I'd like to direct your attention towards-

1) I just effing realized that all my blog pictures have disappeared. Yes it's true, I haven't been blogging with many of my paint(pain)-made pictures lately, but if you look at my older entries, you'll see that most of my pictures are GONE. GONE GONE. LIKE MAUD GONNE. If you're wondering how I feel about this, all you have to do is look down at the toilet the next time you go to take a dump. I had worked so hard, and it brings tears to my eyes as I think of all that effort I had put.... in some, if not most of those... recognizable, if not ugly drawings. I hadn't taken a good look at my blog since the beginning of exams, but when I looked at my blog like. yesterday, I realized that I had mistakenly deleted this album on my google account.... ANYWAY. Those pictures are now gone :( 

2) But don't worry, because I'll make better pictures now. I'm not a giver-uper in case you haven't noticed. Hopefully, I can retrieve some pictures from my laptop if they have been saved, so you can see some pictures restored. But again, I can't guarantee that. In the meantime, I will attempt to make better drawings in my future entries so.... things aren't that bad! :)

3) I had promised something earlier. In case you're wondering, take a look at this entry. I had alleged that I will upload an entry that would highlight all the things that I have learned in school other than academics (but did I really learn academics? hmm, that's a thought). Also, I had said, and I quote, I would post that entry in "near end-January/mid-Feb". So there, it shows again how terrible a person I am, because it's like, almost April now. I do, I really do feel like crap. 

4) But there will be more blog entries. Because of my love for blogging and my love for anyone who reads this blog and my love for all those who have subscribed, I am going to finish the school lessons blog asap (it's almost done actually, I just have to fair it up), PLUS, I plan to post this whole bunch of entries I have been planning to write and post for a long time. But let me just say that it is probable that my next few blog posts might just be about school and things related, because I have, in fact, finished school just now. So I do plan to share some inspiration that I have pocketed from my school journey and share it with you, again, asap. 

5) Posting entries about school will hopefully not limit my audience? I just want to remind you that as an impartial blogger, my ultimate goal is to make my blog accessible to everyone, of every age, race, and personality. If you're, say, 50, I don't want you to shake your head and be like "mm mm, she's blogging about school, psh I can't read all that". I mean, I'm sure we have all been through school at one point, so you can just see if you can relate to any of the things I mention. And if you have never been to school, or are about to enter high school, these posts might give a little something to see what to expect, and possible guidelines on how you can survive school. If you're a literate alien, well, you can learn about human life? If you're a worm... okay I'll stop.

6) I'm getting lazier and lazier. But my holidays have merely begun. If you feel that I'm getting too lazy, you can just give me a wake-up call through Talk to Me on the left, which I would so very appreciate. Because I really need more wake-up calls these days. Ugh.

7) Also, fellow bloggers whom I've been politely ignoring- I'm not a bad person, really. But I haven't read a single post from other blogs or left a comment in a loooong time. Again, I do feel crappy, but hopefully I'll make up for it asap. I do feel very thankful that you all read my entries from time to time, and I wish to return this love just the same. So yes, I'll be creeping in on you again, asap, but if there is any specific entry you'd like to direct my attention toward, don't hesitate to let me know!

So yes, this was a list of my present grievances and my attempt to make amends for my clumsy blogging. I feel good now, like my butt is not cemented to the couch anymore and that I'm actually doing something. Also, I'm SO BORED. There are no travelling plans till like mid-April, so please feel free to uh, chat with me, leave a comment, talk to me, request blog entries, anything. Also, I've been reading Five Point Someone lately, or rather, trying to, so my brain gets some workout, plus also to uh, sort of prepare me for college. Not that I'm a slacker or anything, but just to put me in the college mood.

So yes, hopefully I'll post something better than this 'entry' asap. Till then,

PS- I have just realized that the title of my blog has nothing to do with the content. But hey, the freedom part is true! And the chorus of the 'song' could be "I'm getting lazier and lazier", if you're really desperate. I think I'll not change the title, your challenge is to figure out how it relates to the content. Yes! Now you have a task. When you find out, let me know too, because I have no idea.... o god


the creation of beauty is art. said...

Sometimes life gets busy and you just don't have time for blogging. It's okay - it happens to everyone! I'm glad that you are done with grade 12 and are moving on to the next phase of your life! :)

songbird said...

Yes! I'm so glad as well! Enough of school ughh. And thank you so much for understanding!! You are a gem indeed haha

Kusum said...

If you write so cheerfully when you are feeling lazy, what would it be like when you are excited! You are fun! :)
Happy holidays and best wishes for your college life in advance.

songbird said...

Haha please, that wasn't very cheerful :P But I'm glad you liked it, and that's all that matters! And thank youu, ahhh college!