Saturday, March 8, 2014

Who needs grades when you have Center Fresh? (Plan B)

Today, I managed to watch tv after ages after finally emerging out from beneath my rock (temporarily) because Patrick has kicked me out because apparently now I've lost all my socializing skills and all starfish, brainful as well as brainless, hate me.
Unfortunately I'm still under the huge granite of a rock termed EXAMS. Today, whilst scribbling away any answers I could think of, the stupid invigilator snatched my paper and destroyed my mood in such a way that the only thing that would've made me feel better was tv. And not just tv.
Whenever I watch tv I make it a point to watch cheesy shows *cough* Indian serials. I watched one today in which this guy and a girl meet on facebook, share an assortment of chicken jokes to win camaderie, decide to meet at the local restaurant, seal their instant friendship with a hi5 (note: thats when their hands touch and violins pregnate the air), pull each other's cheeks, then decide to get married. However, the girl's father is a super conservative, paan chewing relic of an ancient, who smears ghee in his parantha with his bony fingers then reprimands his daughter saying "I VEEL HAVE NO INTER-CASTE MARRIAGE IN THIS PHAMILY." The girl says Nahiiin, cries in her bedroom, meets the boy secretly and they both decide to elope on a coughing scooter on the eve of the girl's eighteenth birthday, because eloping or not, they want to follow the law, for the legal marriage age in India is 18.
Then they book the best room at the "BEST ROOM HOTEL" and get mushy. Oh what's that, are you expecting some boogiewoogiedoogie? Oh no, these are the Indian peninsular species you are talking about, and they merely talked about the various dietary supplements for the following night (the girl makes the best mutter paneer in town), and then indulged in the cheek-pulling again.
Anyway, long story short, the guy ends up being a robber who planned to loot the girl's jewelry, the girl ends up being a useless lover of another man who smokes cigarettes and finds refuge in bigotry, the girl's dad ends up being an epilepsy patient who threatens his daughter by saying he will voluntarily die if his daughter marries a lower caste, and I end up one of those guys you find in Indian dhabas who yell COME HERE WE HAVE THE BEEEESTBUTTERCHICKENSAMOSADOSAMASALADOSAPOORINAANROTILEMONJUICEAPPLEJUICEMIXEDFRUITJUICEMANGOJUICEAndpizza. Okay I don't know why I included the last part. But now you know my secret ambition! I've been working at these tongue twisters recently....
Anyway, that is so not what this blog entry is about. While this putrid freckle of a show was puberty-ing, an advertisement came in between. And I loved it so much that I actually went and searched for it on YouTube because it's the best thing I have ever seen. Needless to say, chewing Center Fresh chewing gum will probably help with my newfound love for screaming out the menu at lightning speed in restaurants and dhabas. Okay maybe plan B.
For some reason blogger app is not allowing me to attach the video through phone (UGH!) But that doesn't mean I don't love you enough or that I don't want you to watch this ad (esp the middle part when he imitates the Fair and Lovely ad :'D) I laughed so hard at this!!!
Ps- if you don't understand Hindi; this video is basically a parody of all these popular Indian advertisements of toothpastes, fairness creams, Ambuja Cement, memory pills, etc, which are found on tv all too often.
I feel like there is some hope for this country. I think the cheesyness is actually what makes India India. WOOP.
Ps- pray or do some witchcraft to enable me to pass all my exams and turn my colossal of an invigilator into a powerless squid.


Kusum said...

I so love you for writing this. I have many advertisements in my favorite list. This was the latest addition. :)
All the best for your exams.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that advertisement!!
btw all the best for your upcoming exams!

songbird said...

Haha, that advertisement is the king of all advertisements. Thank you both of you!