Thursday, November 1, 2012

Wintry days and injured knee.

Hey you.

It's the first day of November over here, and I'm just squeezing in another blog entry because I was JUST so keen to have one on the first day of the new month, I mean, what's kewler than that, right? 

As the post title says, you can clearly decipher that it's getting colder day by day, much to my chagrin. I hate cold weather. It's nothing personal, it's just that it makes me sick and puke-y and lonely and dreamy and well, just cold. It's not a pleasant feeling. I remember during summer I would go like 'OH HOW I WISH IT WAS WINTER' and well, when winter finally arrives, my mind backfires to those sweaty humid days... ahh summer, I miss thee. 

Well other than that, there's another annoyance to add to my list of present annoyances and that is my stupid, injured knee. Do I need to explain? :(

Since I'm too sleepy to use Paint, I'll make a rage comic. 

^I am so terrible with this!!!! 

Due to the insanely vague comic, I'll just stick to text now. So basically our school had to travel to this hilly place for camp and to complete a project in a village. That's where this incident happened. And now I'm kind of paralyzed and spend my whole day limping around and mourning over the pain of the injury and replacing bandages and bunking school, and man am I bored! Though the pain has subsided a bit, I'm stuck at home till I stop limping. And now I bet you readers are like, totally judging me now, I mean, which normal person walking on the road would suddenly feel like running like a retard and end up with an injured knee? I did feel rather stupid at that point, and what's weirder is that I couldn't stop laughing when I fell, even if my concerned friends were asking me to shut up because the injury was pretty deep. 

And come on, don't you ever feel free, and then feel super free, and you just want to feel the rush of wind through your hair as you're surrounded by greenery and the whip-lash of speed just coursing through your veins making you feel ecstatic and natural? ...Okay maybe not. But I think that could be one of the possible reasons for why I ran, other than a) I had to pee really badly so I ran so I wouldn't feel that urge to pee, or b) An eye-less zombie was chasing me. Or it could be a dog.

So tomorrow I won't be going to school (again), and if I were to say that to myself say, last week, I would've been crazy with joy, but tonight, I actually am quite upset of not being able to go to school, because I've been genuinely bored for the past week when I was stuck with the stupid injured knee. 
Trust me, this is not something you want. -_- 
Till next time, people with unharmed knees. 


Anonymous said...

i don't find winter that pleasant either, so i can understand. and hope your knee is fine now!

songbird said...

Haha, many don't! And thankyou, my knee is better already :)

Anonymous said...

Puh-leaaase! It wasn't like that! Give me a little credit/blame too yaar. :P
Hahahahaha. Heal, child. :D

songbird said...

There xP
Haha, my knee is perfectly healed now, thank you wery match :')