Monday, November 19, 2012

The Expectation Theory.

Okay so originally the post title was gonna be 'My expectation theory', but I'm guessing many of us already apply this theory, so I didn't really want to claim it's my own creation.

We all expect. We expect like crazy. In fact, I expect you, yes you, my favorite reader, to read this entire post and praise it. I expect so many things, and so do you, and we all have expectations for each other, and well, that's life.

But what happens when life refuses to fulfill our expectations?

Disappointment. Now that's something every human being has experienced. If you read halfway through my blog entry and decide it's boring, you have failed to reach my expectations, and I am disappointed. (sad face). Oh god I feel so psychological and human behavior reading types right now!

Now, I (and many other people) have decided to follow this theory to prevent disappointment. I'm sure you already know it. But I just HAD to include it in my blog, and that also right NOW. I mean, I have just got home from school, and haven't even changed my uniform, and here I am, letting it out before I lose/forget it.

Don’t Expect! J

Face it. There are too many disappointments in our lives and we can't suffer it any longer. That test you thought you did well in, you're not topping the class. That new hairdo you got to gain attention of your crush, well, it's not very attention-seeking. Your ice cream will melt and the sun will set and winter will arrive to chill your bones and drown your happiness. Okay. So you get the point. I'm sure by this time, you probably hate me for killing your mood by being such a realist all of a sudden, but yes, my beloved, these are the disappointments you are expected to live by, and you suffer one, constantly. 

So what do you do? (I'll repeat again because the previous timing wasn't good enough)

Don’t Expect! J

Don't expect! Or if you must, expect little. When you give that test, try your best, but expect to simply pass. When you get your hair permed, expect attention from say, your freakishly observant geology teacher. When it gets cold, don't expect it to be summer the next day. In fact, just don't expect, and trust me, you'll enjoy life a lot more without that 'OHH THIS BETTER HAPPEN' burden. It's tried and true, folks.

Of course, now you're thinking "How canst thou eradicate expectations? I need thist to fuel my potential". So if you ignore the new random word I made up (thist) and the wacky Englischhh, I agree and understand that it will be hard, but it comes with time and practice. Keep distracting your mind hideous design on your friend's pet frog's back. Or something of that sort. As long as you.....

Don’t Expect! J

I won't lie, I am enjoying this^ 

However, let me just say that it may not work for everyone. Yes, it is true that maybe, if you expect, you push yourself to your limits and reach your maximum potential. So I guess I could say that this is only advisable to those who have simply HAD IT with disappointment ruining every moment's awesomeness. And you never know, without expecting for that special ice cream sundae your uncle gives you every Friday, you are actually avoiding disappointment that would have come if your uncle decides to give you an itch cream instead of an ice cream, one fine Friday. 
And imagine your surprise when you do get your hair permed and everyone, including the special someone, notices the waves of your hair and makes a nerdy joke about wavelengths (okay how do I even think of such examples), and that surprise happened entirely because you didn't expect that to happen. So when it DID happen, you are all mind blown and awe struck.

So..uh...on a quick ending note, I realize this blog entry is all dull and unattractive because I was too lazy to prettify it, and include my cliparts or drawings or whatever, but I'm sure you'll forgive me for that. And no, there is no reason that I wrote this entry on this particular day at this particular time, in case you were wondering. Okay, great, now you're wondering. Well, please don't wonder, and please don't expect, and you will be guaranteed (I guess) to be pleased!  

Much hugs and painted mugs, (what?)


Anonymous said...

hhhmm... to be honest this post was interesting and well... convincing too :D

songbird said...

Yesss I am convincing xD

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha true :')

songbird said...

I know, right? :)

caribooze said...

this is actually so relevant to my life today, you have no idea :o

songbird said...

I know, and I was waiting for a comment like that. I'm sure many of us can relate :P