Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Belated bloggiversary!

You didn't think I'd forget about this, eh? ;)

Last year, I posted a bloggiversary entry 9 days late, and this year I'm posting one 9/3 months late. It seems that I'm getting more irresponsible every year.....

Anyhoo, I guess it is time to relive the moment and cherish the memories of this blog. Sometimes counting the years and looking back at the bald beginning is a real mood booster because it gives a sense of (no matter how fake it may be) how far this blog has come.

So this year, in honor of this 2 year long journey of my blog, I am attaching links to some of my most popular blog entries! I know this is not much, but I feel that looking back in hindsight can give a sense of the distance I have covered as a blogger and you as a reader. Maybe these entries will give you a sense of what my blog is really about, though my perspective and style as a writer will face changes throughout the years and there is no telling of where this is heading.
But visit these pages or revisit them because they will surely be entertaining. This could almost be my virtual Christmas present to my readers!

You might want to begin with my very first blog entry- Thoughts. {I made a BLOG!}

Why we love the Medical Industry could be next- with around 500 page views since the beginning of time, this page alone steals the show.

Followed by Extreme Doodling* and Girls vs. Guys- Facebook accounts, in which the pictures are missing, but hopefully not the zeal.

Then we have the new 2014 superstars-

The 10 phases of my eyebrows where I ramble about the shifting hairstyles of the mini mane on my forehead.
A packet of chips where I riot against food corruption like the hero I am.
And Delhi's road etiquette where I lament the streets because that's where I'm from. Or feel like I'm from, because of the pathetic-ness of my city.

And finally, I spoke to people who agreed on a couple of all-time favorites-

Bonus- My doodles- Probably a much better Christmas present from last year.
The insightful Elephant in the room?
Just to join the 'witty club' (okay that didn't sound witty at all)- Fun Insults
And to add to the destruction of love and various positive emotions- V-Day Special.

So here you have it! The entirety of my blog in just one entry. If I were you, I'd bookmark this page and refer back to it just to remind myself how capable a writer I am. (I just needed to convince myself that this entry is not a result of my lethargy- how easy is it to simply add links to various old entries!- and flatter myself because of my recent blogging inactivity).

Also, my sincerest apologies for the unavailability of pictures in several entries. They got deleted due to some utter foolish incident that I quite honestly haven't been able to move past to this day. Sigh.

Other than all this official talk, I'd just like to add how awesome this journey of mine as a blogger has been, even if this year's journey was a little shorter. *cue beautiful sanguine melody* I have nevertheless managed to learn a lot through blogging, and just this idea of having a place where I can ramble how much ever I want without being confined to word limits, topics, or language (hell yeah b!tches) (I'm still meek don't worry), has been so liberating and I have enjoyed every moment of it. I can't wait to continue this wonderfulness next year! 

It's been 2 years! Beloved readers, if I have grown, thank you for watching and supporting me.

Yours truly,

Monday, December 22, 2014

The Comeback Entry- Explanations and lies.

Dear esteemed readers,

I have shamelessly abandoned my blog for an accurate 3 months with no useful entry whatsoever and for that, I'm sorry. This entry is yet another one of my useless entries (unfortunately for you), in which I'll attempt to explain my lack of blog activity, which would mostly consist of lies.

So here is a list of the possible reasons for why I haven't been blogging. You may or may not believe them all.

  • Getting used to college- I have been drowning in work. If one assignment is finished 30 seconds before the deadline, another one has to be started (and completed) within the next fifteen hours. This could of course be blamed on my slacking nature, but it also has to do with the work we have and how busy I have been.

  • Writing for other purposes- It is possible that my guilt for not blogging has been lessened due to my employing of similar skills in other fields. For instance, I have been writing for my university's blog. I have been writing for professors. I have been writing for competitions, etc. So it is possible that I must have been filling this void of not blogging by replacing it with other related activities. I know, I'm a terrible person, nothing can replace you blog!

  • Short term language-memory loss- Due to an unfortunate accident (I ate too much paneer one night), I may have a glitch in my neurological functions which ceased any language or etymology to be remembered and propelled out of my vocal chords. As a result, I lost my ability to write or speak. I have been in the ICU for four days now. Today I'm feeling a little better so I asked one of the doctors to become my speakwrite and type this out for me.

  • Herpes diagnosis- The initial excitement of college life led me to experiment with various reckless activities. One of those activities has resulted in my diagnosis with herpes, for which I am currently undergoing treatment. The disease freaked me out and caused sores in necessary areas, and therefore I have refrained from blogging.

  • Writer's block- The past few months in college has forced me to confine my writing to academic and creative essays for which I require my textbooks and various other research methodologies. As a result, I have forgotten the simple task of blogging due to its informal and personal nature, and I can't think of much to say other than about Shakespeare's plagiarism, domestic sexuality, existentialist theorists, and a million other things that I can never kick out of my brain because they have been deemed unavoidable.

  • Laziness- When I do get some free time from my busy schedule, I spend it doing reckless activities (refer to Herpes diagnosis point) or catching up on sleep. Sometimes I sleep for so long that I feel tired even after waking up, thus restricting my day's activities to eating, brushing my teeth, and sleeping again. The thought of doing something this productive is just suppressed beneath all this lethargy.

  • Lack of access to internet- I have been travelling a lot in honor of my new profession as a photojournalist, which occurred soon as I discovered my unwarranted talent of taking pictures and my decision to stop attending college because I am a pro at what I do. Since my new profession and lifestyle requires a lot of travelling, I have to carry extra sanitary napkins and tampons, and survive without internet. 

  • Avoiding on purpose- My abandoning of the blog is part of a furtive mission that shall only be revealed the second I figure out what it is. The mission demands 3 exact months of blogging inactivity so that's why I have been trying to achieve the same.

So yes, these are some of the reasons for my blogging inactivity. This is pathetic, I know. What has life come to. Nevertheless, I just want to let you know that I have been checking out my statistics and visiting this page every now and then, and I am thoroughly impressed that I still get an insane amount of page views everyday, despite my blog being generally crappy. So thank you for sticking around, loyal readers!

As I fake-promise in pretty much every entry, I'm going to fake-promise once again that I will try to blog as regularly as possible. However, I can not predict how much time I'll get so please, please remain hopeful of a new entry in case I do become inactive once again, and believe me, my ideas are at their prime, I do have a bunch of stuff planned but I just hope I'll get time to execute them in the best way possible in order to do justice to this brilliant blogging platform and my brilliant readers.

PS- How many/which of these explanations do you believe are true? Is it fairly obvious? Comment below 'cause I want to know! 

Much gratitude (and excitement for blogging again!),

Sunday, September 21, 2014

How To: Procrastinate (like me).

Before I begin this entry, I'm super excited to share with you how a friend of mine (who takes pride in calling himself Zinghai) reacted to my previous blog entry by creating this lovely artwork.

This picture perfectly summarizes my blog, about how weird I am. It is totally relevant and has to do with something I had typed in that previous entry. Extra points for those who successfully decipher the relevance. 

So my sincere apologies for slacking and ditching my blog entirely for like. a month. I am aware that this is unacceptable, and I feel really quite miserable for not being able to find time. College is amazing. And by that I mean that though some aspects of college (like student life) is genuinely amazing, the workload is a-maze-ing. So amazing that I'm stuck inside a maze with a rapidly decreasing supply of maize. <-- Isn't my wordplay amazing? Or are you saying "ah-may-be"?

Crap, I'm addicted.

Anyhoooo, I think the whole purpose of this blog entry is to show you how weird I am and how I've just been procrastinating amazingly. Though I wonder who Zing Lee is. Ah-maybe he's Zinghai's cousin. OMG WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME

I think I'm having trouble focusing. I'm supposed to be typing this entry, but I'm thinking about various Oriental names now. Also, I'm thinking about shoeboxes.

^Ladies and gentlemen, that's how you procrastinate.
I'll post a better entry asap, I promise. I should probably get back to my amazing college workload and get something done.

Here's a link to my previous How To series post, which is also amazing btw.

MUCH LOVE, (Because if you still follow my blog, despite me posting only like once a century, you are seriously amazing and that word, buddy, has no pun intended, and only pure meaning filling it to the brim.)

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Delhi's road etiquette.

I've spent pretty much my entire life in a third world city with all sorts of road traps and road shenanigans that have been building up this wall of anger that can never be torn down with love, but only with a bunch of bulldozers smashing into people's brains because they're STOOPID. Seriously, this is why India is losing tourists, this is why the rupee is depreciating, this is why people have bad impressions about Delhi. In fact, this is why you couldn't find your sock this morning and this is why they haven't discovered proper UFOs yet. These stupid Delhiites are the reason for any and every problem that humanity suffers from.

Disclaimer- I think I have a right to call Delhiites stupid because well, I'm a Delhiite as well. (Delhiite is such a funny word). Delhiiite. Del-hite. Delhi-ite. Kite. Dellkite. ANYWAY. I'm not calling all Delhiites stupid, but this is a blog entry based on years of experience and observation and analysis, so since I got the opportunity to really think about it, the people in this blog entry really are quite stupid. If you are one of these people, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to target you personally. I genuinely care about my city and I want to spread this awareness.

So please stop doing these things.

1) Pedestrians wearing earphones- WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? LIKE, SERIOUSLY, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? I'm so sorry for yelling, but this is the number one thing that pisses me off about Delhiites. I know that we are a young generation. I know that music is 'hip'. I know that we all have ipods and phones. But why, why do you have to listen to Pitbull while you're wading your way across the road, and not just any road, an Indian road?!

You know what, even the slow cows that cross the roads here are more alert than you are, because they don't have some stupid song blasting through their eardrums as they move their udders across the territory! Please, stop listening to your music, it does not make you cool. I promise, if you listen to music anywhere else, anywhere other than this cluttered city road, we will all think you're hot and ask you to date us. Also, you will remain alive. So please stop wearing earphones, it's effing stupid. Just please. Stop.

2) EVE-TEASING- WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM, ARE YOU DELUSIONAL, DO YOU HAVE X-RAY VISION, DO YOU HAVE TOURETTES SYNDROME, DO YOU THINK YOU'RE MACHO? Trust me, if you have a beard and a lungi you are macho enough, you do not need to pick on the women walking around. I am sick of all the horrible cases on TV, I'm sick of sick, horny men, I'm sick of everything. Even if the women cover themselves up in duct tape, these men will continue to whistle or say anything inappropriate to them. I don't get it, do you think that makes you cool? Do you do the same to your wife/sister/mother? Are you stupid? No one wants to come to Delhi anymore because it has become India's number 1 rape capital. Isn't that great, we're number one at something, finally! -.-

Speaking of 'Number one'...

3) People urinating on the roadside-  Scene- it's a beautiful day on the Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway as vehicles glide peacefully over the smooth road. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the smell of samosas light the air, the trees are swaying gently, the man is peeing. THE MAN IS PEEING. Fresh, hot, yellow, liquid fertilization for the swaying trees as they grow taller and taller so the singing birds can sit on them and fly around the area. Suddenly everything is disgusting. FIND AN EFFING TOILET!

4) Honking at the red light signal- If you do this, you are probably color blind. If you aren't, you shouldn't be driving. Have you heard the song "STOP says the red light, GO says the green?" I'll sing it to you if you want, while we wait.

 I don't get it, there are a bunch of us in our cars, waiting for the red light to turn green, and suddenly this obnoxious car comes behind us and starts honking. What do you expect us to do, put green tinted sheet over the traffic signal and drive off putting our lives and law at stake? THE LIGHT IS RED. Please go back to elementary school if you didn't get that. If you think the light is green, why don't you drive ahead, kill yourself in an accident, and have green blood flow out of you? Ugh, stupid people.

Also, if you are honking to make the car ahead of you go a little farther while waiting for the light to turn green, you should calm down because you can't get past that traffic signal anyway till the light turns green. And don't you worry, unless you have a dying person in your car, I'm sure you will reach your destination without much more than a scratch or a broken heart or a salary cut, rather than the possible loss of your life.

5) People on bikes checking themselves out in the mirror- So while you are sitting in your car in the middle of a traffic jam, you decide to look out of the window ...and see a man trying to make a mohawk while staring at you. Little do you realize that your car window doubles as a portable mirror for everyone! Damn, you should probably start charging these people for such wonderful, portable cosmetic facilities!

When people do this to me while I'm in the car, I like to roll down my window and give them a nice stare in the face. They still might not stop though, my pupils are probably reflective enough to double as a mirror too!

6) Bikes without silencers- There are different types of loudness on a Delhi road. Some are tolerable and typical, like people talking or cars honking. But then there is one sound that thunders above all the rest, stealing the show, creating a crater in your eardrum. It's a normal bike sound multiplied by 50. Oh who said it is excess H2O that makes you drown? It is the excess sounds from a bike that makes you drown under the road. Instead of the siren sounds in ambulance, just make one of these bikes go in front of you, and they will steal the show, making everyone avoid it like the plague.

7) The paan-spitting- Ever noticed the side of a pavement or a wall? They normally are painted white or black or yellow or purple or any color. Then you notice some red patches, and you think "Wow, is this some new design?" Red patches on surfaces are usually caused due to the unending, inevitable, deadly, paan spitting. In any other part of the world, your teacher would probably berate you for spitting gum, or spitting spit, or spitting food. But do you do that in Delhi? HECK no.

All these people (I don't want to target anyone, but it's usually the autorickshaw drivers that do this) stop their rented flivvers or their flying carpets in the middle of the road, take a long, saliva-soaked breath in, and discharge a scuttle of paan-red spit that stains any and every surface it hits upon. THIS IS SO ANNOYING. Not only is it unmannerly, but it also destroys the natural or manmade beauty of things. Instead of spitting on the road, maybe you could spit in a sink nearby, or a dump, or a trashcan, or your own face. Better yet, don't even have paan, unless there is a sink nearby!

 So that's my list of grievances that has hopefully come to your attention. I think if more Delhi people will read this, at least we'll have less of these pesky annoyances. Though I doubt the autorickshaw drivers would be very interested in reading any of this, except the really interested ones. I'll probably just email this to the government then, and hope this all gets better before I'm dead :)

Much love (and road safety), 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

The 10 phases of my eyebrows.

Phase 1- Ah, the beautiful childhood tresses of the temple. As a kid, my eyebrows were quite huge, yes, but they were decent. They brought out my eyes a little and besides, I just didn't care back then. I remember my mother would make me use this eyebrow pencil to bring out my already-luscious eyebrows even more. Back then, I'd be very pleased with thick eyebrows and I'd find ways to make it even thicker (like applying hair oil on them)

Phase 2- And it was all well till I started developing a unibrow at the beginning of puberty! I hated it, it made me look shady and geeky, but on the plus side, it hid most of my pimples. As the treacherous eyebrows began to expand, I began to worry. I was afraid I'd soon have eyebrow hair in my eyes which would cloud my vision. Also, I was worried that it made me look bad.

Phase 3- So with a sinking heart and a pointy tweezer, I sat down one day to painfully plough away the excess eyebrow hair. Just fyi, I had absolutely no experience with tweezing or hair removal up till this point. I was too shy to get my eyebrows done, so I tried to secretly resolve the issue. As you can see, it turned out perfectly alright.

Phase 4- Back then, I was actually pleased with my eyebrow-tweezing expertise. I was happy to have gotten rid of the unibrow, even though it was terribly painful. In fact, my eyebrows looked almost okay from the distance. As months flew, I decided to become a little more daring. I tried to tweeze my eyebrows even thinner. And clearly, they turned out perfectly alright again. Clearly.

Phase 5- Sure, my eyebrows were roughly a skeletal version of actual, human eyebrows, but I didn't mind it much. Of course, people began to notice my strange eyebrows, but no one said much, because well, this was middle school and we all were just in that stage of understanding what looks good and what looks incomplete, I guess.

But as I entered high school and my workload increased, I realized I had lesser and lesser time to sit down for a good two hours and microscopically observe the minute and the massive hairs, so I slacked a little and let my eyebrows grow.

Phase 6- Eventually, I realized 'Heck, I'm in high school now', and finally decided to engulf on that journey to the parlor, where the eyebrow-lady painfully perfected my completely-experimented-on eyebrows. She fussed a lot about what I had done to them, but hey, it looked fine eventually so I was happy!

Phase 6- And this look went for a long, long time. Long enough that my hair (head hair) grew and I began to wear earrings and wear makeup and stuff. 

Phase 7- Then once again, I went a little daring, and as I grew even older and became almost immune to the pinching pain of threading, I got my eyebrows done to an optimum size that I thought suited my countenance.  This look also went on for a while. Till quite recently. 

Phase 8-  And finally, after a long journey of eyebrow-raising experiences, I finally, finally, inevitably screwed up. This summer, I went to my grandparents' house in the south of India, where I was constantly traveling from place to place to meet people to people. Some time during this trip, my eyebrows began to grow again (surprise surprise), and I wanted to get them done so bad, but it was hard to land up in a parlor. So I thought 'Ah, I can totally tweeze, I'm old enough now, how bad can I mess up?'. Clearly, I didn't mess up at all. Clearly, they turned out perfectly alright. 

Phase 9- As usually happens during screw-ups, I didn't realize how serious this issue was until I finally returned home and took a nice look in the mirror. I think my skin and hair cells died a little more than they usually do, when I saw myself. With a pounding heart, I reminisced the wonderful trip where I roamed about half the universe with a scattered-caterpillar eyebrow-do, without raising an eyebrow. So with a heavy heart, preparing myself for the fuss that the eyebrow-lady would make on my hot mess eyebrows, I walked in to the parlor. The lady said she did what she could. 

Phase 10- So yes, that brings me to my current eyebrow phase, with eyebrows that are super thinly plucked and tortured, but recovering. Hopefully they'll be back to normal soon, and till then, I must wait. 

Lesson- Don't try to do your own eyebrows. Unless you are amazing. Or a rebel. Or uncaring. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The 'Haha' controversy.

My social life has been blooming with all types of friends- old friends, new friends, reunited old friends, new friends who are actually old friends, old friends who have changed, old people, old acquaintances, new acquaintances, friends who became acquaintances, acquaintances who became friends, frenemies, partial enemies, and finally, enemies. (I just added 'enemies' for the effect. I don't have enemies though (I hope). I just know some people I'm not very fond of. Otherwise I'm so lovable :')

As you may or may not know, I'm headed off to college next month and will be spending most of my time at the hostel (I'll find time to blog tho I swear). So I've been attending open houses and campus tours and been accepting friend requests and exchanging phone numbers with quite a few people. In the meantime, I've also been keeping in touch (and by that, I mean mourning and saying goodbyes) to my current friends, whom I'll be leaving soon, but hopefully return to greet whenever fate allows us. *moment of enigma*

Nevertheless, due to this vast amount of socializing, I have been inspired to bring up this Haha Controversy, and try to understand and blog about it. 
As you can probably see, I do use a lot of 'haha' in my daily conversations, but the question in mind is- Which 'haha' is appropriate for a given time and subject of conversation? Do you 'haha' or 'hahahahahha' or 'HAH' or 'hehe'?

This issue might be considered trivial by many, but trust me. It is important. One must be equipped with a sack full of assorted chuckling expressions (ranging from HAHA to haha) to use at the correct situation and time.

1) Haha
I use this a lot. I use it in my blog entries, my comments on blog entries, my comments on other entries, whilst chatting, sometimes even in real life. But what do I really mean when I say the terse "Haha"? Now no offence to whoever I said it to, I sort of don't mean to show amusement when I say/type 'Haha'. (hehe)
It is a mere disyllable used to fill blank/awkward spaces. Basically, I say 'Haha' when I have nothing else to say, or when I'm too keyboard-lethargic to use the ':P' smiley. This word added to a conversation lets people know that they don't mean to be critical or offensive, but they don't mean to be completely amused either.

For example-
Froobleskin7- I sold a pumpkin today.
Imdakoolest- Haha, really?
Froobleskin7- Yeah.
Imdakoolest- Kool. haha

2) Hahah
This can be used for replying to something that is moderately funny. Not the ROFL kind, but, you know, the Lol kind. Perhaps a bit more. Or less. Basically, I use this when I don't want to sound too unfriendly by simply saying 'Haha', but I'm not too friendly with that person either, so I'm not going to freak that person out by saying HAHAHA. It's a laugh, a polite laugh.

For example-
LeProtégé- I was slightly amused to wake up to-dawn to find my pillow shifted to an angle of 49 degrees against my bed, instead of the usual 47.65 degrees. Golly, I thought to myself, I had been sleeping at an uneven angle for the whole night? No wonder I dreamt of your uneven beard!
beardy-beard- Hahah

3) Heheh
This is what one would call the nervous laugh. Or the evil laugh. It could be either, or maybe even both! depending on the context. It is totally possible to be nervous and evil at the same time as well. I mean, they go hand in hand.

For example-
asdhsjk- You stepped on my tuna?!?! YOU STEPPED ON MY TUNA?!?! I'm going to take you to an amusement park, strap you to bumpy turtle ride, and make you sit there until your bowels melt and your genitals get massacred.
flowerpony11- I'm sorry! Heheh

4) HAHAHAHAHA(hahahaha(...))
Ahh, finally, an actual laugh! I think we all know what this means. A laugh for something that is actually funny, and you can't stop laughing! This kind of laughter could be both mocking (mostly mocking), or genuine amusement. I mostly share this type of laughter with my closest friends, because I know that they wouldn't get very offended if I mock them. Lolz.

For example-
Ya@a@a@- hi

(Sorry, I couldn't think of anything funnier) (hi can be such a funny word sometimes) (I know it can)

5) Ahahahahaha
I actually can't discern why exactly people use this kind of laughter. I don't like this laugh actually. It's supposed to be "Hahahaha" with an H, not Ahahahaha! For me, this type of laughter sounds.. a little intellectual for some reason. Don't you think Ahahaha sounds a bit more polite than Hahaha? Ahahaha has a refreshing, non-judgy feel to it for some reason :s

For example-
UglayaRkkk25- Then they smiled and said, "why aren't you at Block D? That's where the interview is!"
Butterfly123- Oh! Ahahahaha!

Other miscellaneous categories of expressive amusements include (but are not limited to)- Huehuehuehuehehhe, Hahahahaha, Hohoho, Hahhhha, Ha!, Lolz, Lolzie, Lolllll, Lololol, ROFL, ROFLLLLLL, Lawl, ROFLMAO, LMAO, etc.

Also. There is one more Haha-
6) Hahhhahaha- This is merely a Hahahaha misspelled. I like this because the misspelling could indicate that the person on the other side was genuinely laughing, hence lost concentration, and made that slight, yet disarming mistake. Or maybe that person simply didn't care about typing properly. Either ways, I like the tiny flaw here for some reason.

There's no example for this one, because well, it's pretty much similar to Hahah or HAHAHA :P

So anyhoo, thank you for reading my entry! You may already know these things, because obviously, everyone uses 'Haha' in all their conversations. But, you know, this is just a little something based on my observation. As for now, I am going to delve deep into the mess of packing and shopping and packing commodities for my stay at the hostel. Bleh. I hate packing.

Much amusement,

Thursday, May 22, 2014

A packet of chips.

I bought a packet of Lays chips yesterday because I was travelling and needed a quick snack. .

So there I was, walking to the vendor, a bulgy-eyed man who protected himself from the junk food he sold by secretly eating some, and sweating out the rest of the oil. I approached him as he was mid-drinking a pail of Dihydrogen Monoxide, cleared my throat so he'd acknowledge my presence, and looked around for something edible. Now, this was a railway station in a small town, so there wasn't much of the variety found in your regular gourmet menu. So I grabbed a packet of yellow Lays Chips (even if my favorite flavor is the blue one- India's Magic Masala), paid my 20 rupees and headed to the train. 

As the train snored on lazily in the afternoon sun, I decided to wait for sometime then open my packet of chips. By then I was starving, and the kind guy next to me did not offer me any of his aloo poori. SO I opened the packet and dumped my hand in, without further ado. The hand came out covered in salt and nitrogen, and not to mention, disappointment. 

Expectation                                                                         Reality

You know the whole behind of any packaged item that has a bunch of stuff written that no one really bothers to read? I think there's something like "send your concerns/comments at ___________". I mean, there should be. If I would've had the presence of mind to preserve the packet after filling 3% of my intestine with its sparse contents, instead of throwing the packet away, I would have been facing a Lays producer right now.
Why? Because I'm pissed!

Most packaged items (in India at least) are duping the various consumers by giving them less than half of what they paid for! I'm sure even the cows in India are suffering from this frugality. It won't be long before these retailers will begin charging them for grass! Lays, for example-
A five rupee packet of Lays chips has 4 chips inside.
A ten rupees packet of Lays chips has 8 chips inside.
And a twenty rupees packet of Lays chips has around 14 inside.
I know because I actually counted. Well once. But I did count. It was like last year, but still. This counts.

Soooo Lays India, please do something. Because:
1) I've always had Lays. Kurkure is too heavy, Uncle Chips is too texture-y, Pringles come in annoying cans, and other brands are not that amazing, that's why I can't think of them.
2) Lays is advertised by Saif Ali Khan. He's hot and makes me want to consume Lays.
3) It's available everywhere. Even in random street shops in the middle of Phoosvarbaad (is there a place like that? I just made it up..) where people have to make holes on dams to drink some water, you'll find Lays.
4) I love Magic Masala. And no other brand can copy the same taste successfully.
5) You have come up with these new "share packs" but I can't share the chips with anyone anymore because it has barely anything for one person.
6) People eat more these days.
7) Even if I did mention that I find Lays superior than other brands, don't forget that these brands are your competition (esp Uncle Chips, I have a feeling), so yeah. I might just switch to them. 
8) Okay if you're thinking about things like "we are contributing to decreasing obesity!" or "people are more health conscious these days", you're probably right. But no, not really. Like, I'm sure people would still love to eat a packetful of Lays chips during an intense workout. So go die. 
9) In answer to the previous statement- you already are trying to help people with Baked Lays (it tastes horrible, imo btw sry). So yeah, stop worrying about aiding to cure obesity. 
10) We are PAYING. You Lays people are already quite rich. I'm sure putting a few extra chips in a pack won't give you tremendous losses, unless your 'losses' are happy customers.

I'm raising my voice to end this frugality.... this food corruption! In the spirit of India being controlled by a brand new Prime Minister and all, I post this entry! (moment of patriotism). Okay that was a bit too much.

Anyhoo, Lays please change your game. Not that you'd read this entry, but you know, someone might be kind enough to ease this annoyance of mine (and many).

PS- I know this whole entry is primarily about Lays, but I'm not solely targeting the company. I have said some virtues about Lays too, and I think Lays is pretty awesome, other than this small shortcoming. 
This blog is for entertainment and communication purposes. No feelings were intended to be hurt.
This entry is based on my personal opinion. You may love Lays and devour it without any complaint, and that is wonderful! so don't feel the need to agree with me- that is solely up to you.
Also, kudos to Kurkure. All these years and never ever has Kurkure been disappointing in terms of quantity and I truly appreciate it.
Even if I have mentioned other brands, please note that nothing insensitive was intended. All junk food brands are wonderful. All food is wonderful. 
No discrimination was intended against cows because well, I know that I mention cows repeatedly. 

^Probably the longest acknowledgement I have ever included. 

Much gluttony & health,

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Fun ways to be a V-Day buzzkill.

This entry was supposed to be posted on valentines day but I didn't post it then because... I'll leave that a mystery heheh.
Okay no, stop thinking ew.

Well since I'm wonderful and terrible at the same time, I want to help you be a valentines day buzzkill. Why would you want to be a buzzkill, you ask? Because they add a little spice to the typical cheesiness of v-day! Also because you're mean and a terrible person phwahaha. Other than sulking and sighing all day at whatever your SO does for you, I think these tips might help you a little. At the same time, it can help you reject annoying cactus thorns that cling to your clothes in the fierce desert of love filled with mirages and thirst. (aah the metaphors I come up with)

But hey, don't forget to read the disclaimer in the end as well.

PS- Grey's anatomy dialogues ftw?

1) Person: Will you go to the movies with me this Saturday? :)
You: I'm against multimedia content.

2) Person: Truth is......................................................................................... I like you a lot.
You: Truth is................................................................ you read too many Facebook statuses.

3) Person: I love you!
You: Duly noted.

4) Person: I think we should stop pretending and just admit that we're crazy about each other.
You: I wasn't pretending to be batman I actually am him why won't anyone listen to me

5) Person: Kiss me.
You: Ki-ki-kiss me, infect me with your love and fill me with your poison take me.....

6) Person: Will you go out for dinner with me?
You: Yes but let me just bring my poor and hungry family along. We never say no to free food!

7) Person: I'm gonna take you home with me tonight!
You: Alright, but my feng shui skills are less than average, just sayin'/

8) Person: I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
You: *farts* You sure?

9) Person: I promise I will never ever ever ever upset you.
You: Okay Taylor Swift! <3

10) Person: You always know the right words to say to me!
You: That was the alcohol speaking...

11) Person: Hey babe, I want us to get back together.

12) Person: You smell so nice all the time.
You: Oh so the Swahili boar dung worked?

13) Person: My heart skips a beat every time I see you.
You: I stop my heart from beating every time I see you.

14) Person: Your smile just brightens up my day!
You: I stopped brushing 5 days ago.

15) Person: Can I get you a drink?
You: Yes, I'd like onion juice with garlic cream on top.

16) Person: I have changed, I promise!
You: No you're still wearing that Chick Magnet shirt you wore three days ago.

17) Person: I don't know what I'd do without you.
You: I don't know what to do with you.

18) Person: I think about you all the time.
You: I knoww, I should probably return that money I stole from you.

19) Person: Run away with me.
You: No but I can skip away with you.
Person: Hahahaha. Not funny.
You: Then I'll just skip away from you, meanie.

20) Person: Will you marry me?
You: Wait let me consult my desi parents, cousins, astrologers, aunts, uncles, the hairy hobo who lives outside my neighborhood, the school nurse, the bartender, Ramu the cow, tea leaves, your mailman, your physician, and your ex girlfriend too, just to be sure.

21) Person: We just have so much in common, it's like we are meant to be.
You: We are siblings and were separated at birth, I found out three days ago. It's okay though, I think incest is cool too.

22) Person: I can't live without you.
You: I'm sure there are better doctors in this world!

23) Person: I can't believe you're all mine.
You: I can't believe it either.

24) Person: I love you!
You: I love you too Lyla!
Chad: Who's Lyla wtf.
You: I am.
Chad: What... anyway I'll forget that. I love you!
You: Lylaaa, I love you so much!

25) Person: *hugs you*
You: *scream really loudly in their ear* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

26) Person: I love you!
You: Sorry I didn't hear that! There's a lot of earwax in my ear it seems.... please help me get it out? It's softened a little now that I've been poking it for some time. The doctor said its occurrence has decreased ever since I started using sanitary earbuds instead of that dirty pencil at home. I gave it to you once actually...

Disclaimer: Firstly, heheh I don't expect you to use these dialogues in real life! because some of these are lame and some of these might hurt others. Remember, whoever says these nice things to you, no matter how cheesy they may sound, mean well, so don't be mean to anyone who says "I love you" to you. We should all be very sensitive so if you are sure that you don't want to be sensitive/you know this person won't take it too seriously, it's okay to be a buzzkill. :)

ALSEW, this post reminds me of my epic Fun Insults entry that you must check out, whether or not you are a buzzkill! Also, I love cactus, they don't annoy me one bit. Though they do seem annoyed themselves. Don't you think most cactus look as if they are making some suggestive hand gestures? NOW WHO'S MEAN.

Jk I love all vegetation, good night. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

School teaches you.. stuff.

I think I'm being super cheesy when I say that school is a vital part of our lives, we won't forget it, etc etc. And also, I'm being cheesy (and kind of irresponsible) when I say school has taught me a lot of things.... remotely related to actual studies. It has taught me and equipped me with the important mechanisms needed for life, and well, I think that's what this post is dedicated for. It is totally possible that, as you read this, you might feel a sense of nostalgia (depending on how sharp my writing skills are, atm), because you may or may not experience most of these experiences and learn similar lessons.

SO YES. I'm finally, finally sitting down and typing this entry that I had promised to post long back, but now this extra time has only given me time for some deeper insight towards school lessons. It's been a few months since school has ended for me and it has given me some time to retrospect.

1) Believe in yourself- Now you've heard this a thousand times and I'm sure you're annoyed and shaking your head just like you do every time you face a cliche. And when I say 'Well, it's true!' I can just imagine you preparing to conjure a few unemployed demons from wherever you believe they reside. But that's not all I have to say. I'm raising the question of WHO should believe in you, as well. Should you believe in yourself? Should you get others to believe in you?

Let me tell you something here. I can't get into the creases of your wrinkled brain and analyze whether you love or hate people, but either ways, whether or not people believe in you, you should believe in yourself. In fact, you should believe in yourself whether you are inside a blackhole contemplating survival chances, or whether you are about to smack a fish-head on someone stupid.

Also, there may be times when an elderly person with sparkles in his eyes would put his shaking hands on your shoulders and say "I believe in you." I don't know about you, but when people count on me, it affects me in two ways- a) I feel good because I know that people support and care about me, and b) I feel pressurized. If others believing in you put you under pressure, that's again when the "believe in yourself" part comes in. Block out the rest, and focus on the fact that you believe in yourself, and you're only trying to live up to your OWN expectations, rather than living up to others' expectations. This has worked for me numerous times and has really helped me decrease the pressure, because it's easier to let yourself down than let others down.

2) Know the meaning of 'immature'- I can't tell you how many times throughout my school life I have encountered the word 'immature'. Growing up is indeed a challenge and we all grow at our own paces, and it is completely possible that you either grow up too fast or too slow. In fact, I can't think of a certain 'perfect pace' of growth- we are all either too fast or too slow. And people, since they love judging each other so forking much, will always, always compare their rate of growth to yours, and label you as a too-fast grower (slut), a too-slow grower (kid), or normal (friends/crushes).

Since 'immaturity' is a subjective term, I think it's hard to pinpoint a proper definition without pissing some people off, but I can tell you for sure that there is a difference between being 'immature' and being 'fun' and being a druggie. So this kid a year younger than me used to be called immature because, well, she threw tantrums over the smallest things(so yes, she actually was immature). Her so-called mature classmates sneered and looked at her like that critic in Ratatouille... wait let me find a picture...

They would often boast of the alleged sublimity of smoking cigars over petty things such as keeping your grades up, and called the kid immature. So now what? Youuu guessed it! She started smoking too because she thought that would make her *cough* mature.

LISTEN UP EVERYONE BECAUSE I'M ABOUT TO TELL YOU WHAT 'BEING MATURE' ACTUALLY/ MORE OR LESS MEANS. And I'm forced to scream this out because there is seemingly a lot of unnecessary confusion over this word. I'll tell you what is NOT maturity.
>Criticizing others and calling them 'immature' does not make you mature.
>Smoking does not make you mature.
>Seeming dead, sad, fastidious, or exaggeratedly thoughtful does not make you mature.
>Dressing like Madonna when you're 8 does not make you mature.
>Being stubborn does not make you mature.

On the other hand-
>Accepting others for who they are makes you mature.
>Being courteous to even the meanest of people makes you mature.
>Having a sense of individuality makes you mature.
>Respecting people of all ages makes you mature.
>Being diplomatic makes you mature.
>Being open-minded and flexible in opinions makes you mature.

So yeah. I hope it's clear now. Hmph.

3) How important are social networks?- Virtually everyone has an account on Facebook. In fact, one of the first things that people do to check you out is go on your Facebook profile. Then they send you a request. Then they stalk you. Now I know that many people argue that facebook is in no way a determinant of what a person is like, and it's true, more or less. Of course, we should judge people by who they are in real life rather than what they seem like through a social network. Unfortunately, people aren't that perfect or considerate. We all are, ultimately, going to check out each others' facebook pages and sort of guess about others' personalities.

In that case, why not just make your profile a reflection of who you actually are? I have often been surprised to meet super friendly and normal-seeming people in real life, but online, they are portrayals of raunchy boudoir photography. Like, whyy would you do that? Are you trying to impress the pedos who stalk hot chicks and send creepy messages like "heyyyyzzz gurl, will u b ma frnd??" People just have a way of assuming that you are the same person online and in real life. So the next time I see you, if you tok lyk dis on Facebook, you'd better tok lyk dis in real life too. And you better pout and kiss the floor or whatever creepy pictures you have posted on facebook. -.-

But at the same time, don't give so much importance to social media that you forget about real life! Key is balance. Now I know that the party never happened unless you have uploaded pictures of a dopey kid hanging on the streetlight with a wedgie *bad memories*. And I know that you don't have a boyfriend unless there are pictures of you both having a candlelight dinner wherever people go for candlelight dinners. But can't these picture-taking sessions be controlled? Okay, I agree, I WANT to take that picture with you before we go for that movie because we are both so effing dressed up, but maybe we can take like two pictures and then actually watch the movie? And don't you be snapchatting in the middle of the movie when Chulbul Pandey splashes the blood from his forehead wound into the pupils of his mortal enemy!!! There is NOTHING more annoying than disrupting me in my movie-mode. Ugh so annoying! I missed the epic loathsome speech he gave because of your distractions!

4) Don't be a hypocrite- There are three things that I dislike fiercely- amusement parks (I know, I'm so boring), cinnamon (I know, I'm not human), and HYPOCRITES. Like what if Hippocrates was a hypocrite? "One should not study medicine and experiment on people because I'm a lover of humanity and don't want people to die from my failed medicinal experiments" or something like that. What if he stopped experimenting and threw all the doctors in the dungeon?
There have been so many instances when people look at popular people with a martyrdom and be like "psh. Popularity is so over-rated". But don't you be psh-ing me! I know there are thousands of people out there who try to 'stand out' by trying to restrain themselves from conventionality, but in most cases, you just end up fitting in with the label of people called hypocrites.

What I'm trying to say is, don't be telling me that it's stupid to be popular and that all popular people are brainless, when you know that that's not always true and that you crave their lives. This is just like the movies when the new girl hangs out with the geeky chess nerd who is allergic to cheese and his sister who wears retainers and a helmet. She pretends to not notice the football captain but when she ends up with him and ignores her earlier friends, she has no words. It's OKAY to want to be popular, it's okay to want attention! Also, it's okay to admit that you are thin because you think it's too mean to be proud of one's physique when one is next to a fat girl. It's okay to take compliments once in a while and say 'aww thankss!' instead of being too modest and saying 'noo, I'm not pretty, only you are'. There are so many examples!!! Why can't people just admit that they are a little selfish and move on!

Okay yes I know that there may be people who are not being hypocrites, rather they probably actually don't want to be popular, think they are fat, and are too insecure to accept compliments. You can just ignore all that I said then, as long as you are being a genuine person.

5) Dating 50 people does not make you cool- I knew this guy a few years ago who had made a bet with one of his friends that he would date 30 girls in 3 months. So precisely 10 girls per month. So he indulged himself in a journey by charming girls with his flirting and breaking up with them for stupid made-up reasons. However, during this journey, he met a girl (I think that was his 26th girlfriend or something) whom he actually liked and wished to spend some time with. However, the bet had to be finished. After a week of happiness, he painfully broke up with her, leaving the girl heartbroken. The girl did, eventually, find out about the bet and hated his guts for it, and she also found out that the boy had planned to date her again after dating 4 more girls. Why are people so.. stupid? -.-

When people judge relationships by quantity rather than quality, it only tells me how unstable they are. I don't understand why people take pride in declaring things like "I have dated 17 times in the past 6 days", because to me, that means that you broke up/others broke up with you 17 times in the past 6 days. Is that how terrible and shameless a person you are? Wouldn't it make much more sense to have a long, happy relationship with one or two people and end up getting married to them? People, I tell you.

6) Remember that you are an individual- and not merely a part of a group. Act in a way that allows people to separate you and treat you as an individual. When people look at you, they shouldn't see a clump of chewed cud because, eh, who wants to be chewed cud? Don't be needy or clingy towards other people because it's really annoying to others and you put yourself across as a dependent, insecure person. This is especially noticeable in relationships. Many people want to date because they feel like no one loves them, but being with a certain someone might make them feel important. But that doesn't mean you should constantly stick to that person and have your ego fed by that person because, well, you're not a baby! Take care of yourself!

Of course, I know that we are all desperate, depraved human beings, and this independence is something that comes with time. In twelfth grade, I found myself scurrying about the school alone, searching for teachers and counselors and not giving a crap about where my friends are. I'd take the initiative to search for my teachers and ask them for extra classes because I knew that it was MY future and my friends have, ultimately, not much of a role in it. When you're filling out college apps, of course admission cares about your social life, but there are other things that matter too. There was a point when I'd skip classes with my friends so we could chill out, but eventually I realized that I didn't want to skip classes because I needed my grades!

If you have the assertiveness to be an individual and try out for the soccer team even if none of your friends are and you're scared to be alone, it doesn't matter if you're hanging out with a group of losers because as long as you are you, people will see you as an individual and respect you. Besides, being independent and trying new things by yourself is also a great way to make new friends. It took me years to realize this and become independent, and well, now I really do feel accomplished.

7) But don't be a complete lone wolf- Needless to say, there are many advantages of having friends because you do depend on them to an extent. This is a bad example, but let me tell you that throughout 12th grade, I did not have or bother to write down my school time table. So every day, I went to school totally clueless with a bunch of books in my bag, hoping that I have brought the right ones. I relied completely on my friends to tell me which class I have, and what homework I have, but again, I'm in no way recommending this behavior to you because that's just me being irresponsible hehe. School would be completely different without my beloved friends and all the crazy things we did together were what made school worth all the studies and pressure.

Also, I'm not saying you should restrict your friendship solely to students. Gone are the days when only the class nerd befriended the teachers. In fact, my teachers were all pretty cool and great to talk to, so we were all sort of friends with them. Of course, there are several advantages of befriending teachers too and even if teachers are supposed to be impartial, they might show at least a little remorse over having to punish you if you are on friendly terms with the teacher. But I'm not saying that you should take advantage of teachers that way... just be a little friendly and open up your heart and it will definitely pay off!

Also, there are several ways of deepening your friendship with others that I'd like to quickly share-
>Get a smartphone- I didn't have a smartphone for a really long time, but when I finally got one, like 2 years ago, my friendship with others instantly got closer through an assortment of apps.

>Bring lip balm or tic tacs to school- I don't know how it might work in your region, but in my school, whenever anyone would bring any one of these two things, that person would instantly get famous. Every one wants some lip balm or tic tacs! The second you open a pack, you make instant, if not temporary, friends.

>Watch TV shows- If there is anything I learned about high school conversations, it is that they mostly revolve around the hotness of Ian Somenhalder, Nathan and Mike Ross. There are many TV shows that I love but I'm usually too lazy to watch all the episodes, but then when I go to school the next day, I'm at a loss. "OMG IAN SWALLOWED A PURPLE BAROMETER DID YOU WATCH" "OH YEAH HIS EX WIFE GOT PREGNANT" "YEAH HERCULES DIED IN THAT BABY STROLLER".
There are two things you can do in such a situation: a) Watch that show. Find out about Meredith's spree to Elfin Grot or whatever, or b) Learn to change the topic. I would pretend to understand whatever my friends are talking about and make up stories of my own, thereby confusing them and then I force them to talk about water coolers.
Okay, I'm kidding.

>Feign an interest in what others have to say- I am often very, very bored by other people. "Yeah omg my toe has a carbuncle so I put a tissue over it". But I pretend to be interested- "omg really?! Why did you put the tissue though? You could also put toilet papers, facial towels, notebook papers, etc." What the heck am I saying... Anyway, eventually your feigned interest might just turn to real interest.

8) Bad days make great blog entries- It is TYPICAL. So typical that every cowboy from every century would have experienced it. When you're having a bad day, don't think that it is the end of the world! Issues that seem like the biggest issues has a way of eventually make you realize how stupid you have been. I used to freak out over the smallest pimples, but when no one would notice (and once I got my hands on these wonderful Tinted Moisturizers), I just didn't care! When the guy you like dumps you and you release all the waterworks, including urine, various digestive juices, and sweat from your body, you will eventually realize that the guy is a loser jerk who snogs beef jerky all day. And if you still need some reassurance, how about I tell you that bad days make great blog entries? If you write it down, I promise you'll laugh about it some time later in life.

But yes, I'm sure there are some big issues that also happen, and that are not typical. We all go through ups and downs in school, and sometimes the downs take you underground and you have to break through the asphalt to rise again. In that case, it is important to not lose hope. At the end of the day, it's just school. And time ticks on. Tough times will pass and there is a bright future ahead, filled with coconuts, palm trees, and college interviews (wanted to add some realism). When something bad happens, try sharing the incident with your friends, because most of the time, you'll end up laughing.

For example, one day I was walking down the stairs by myself when suddenly I tripped and fell, twisting my ankle just the way I had fantasized twisting Candace's neck from Phineas and Ferb. I fell down and looked around, but no one was there, and somehow limped my way back to my classroom, fighting back tears. But then I saw my friends who quickly came to my rescue and plopped me on a chair. I told them that I fell down because I was lost in my own world, and then we all laughed at my careless paralysis and moved on. They limped with me to give me company and carried me to my bus at the end of the day. If you guys are reading this, hehe thanks guys. <3

We all go through problems during adolescence but hey, you do get out eventually!

I promise you and assure you and you can tell everybody (I'm listening to 'The Man' by Aloe Blacc as we speak) that you will get out of it! All the problems are temporary, even the permanent ones! Life has a way of pushing us forward. I have been through so much, so many unimaginable things, but instead of allowing the sad experiences to make me a weak person, I learned from those experiences. I learned to cope with problems, face situations and be brave! And you will too. Trust me, by the time you get out of school, and finished college, you will have turned into a strong individual, ready to take over the world! YES THAT'S RIGHT. Life is not that bad!!!

You know what. If I'll make this blog entry any longer I'll be blamed for posting novels instead of blog entries, and die of hand cramps myself. But I think I'll make a separate blog entry to cheer people up. I'll call it the.. eh... Encouragement Post! Maybe. Idk. But I will post such an entry!!

So yeah, I guess that's it. I wanted to write so much more but again, my blog entries are too large already. But I'll add a few more side notes that I had wanted to elaborate on earlier, but don't have the time to - be nice to your parents, bad days are not 'bad days' till it's 12 midnight so you still have the time to change the bad day to a good day, when you're with your friends and people stare at you, don't be embarrassed because they're probably jealous they can't have as much fun as you're having, don't starve yourself, bullies are bullies because they're trying to hide their insecurities, live for yourself and not for others, and lastly. You are not trying to gain the approval, or likes, of others. It's your life. Approve yourself first.

PHEW! So there you have it! A little bit of inspiration from this exhausted teen. If you actually when on iTunes and played "The Man" while reading that third last paragraphs... trust me do that, it made so much sense :O
Also, you can check out my previous entry- How to study like a bau6 (because bau5 is too mainstream) for some study tips because well, believe it or not, school involves some academics too. Anyhoo, I'm going to uh, nurse my hand cramp now. This post took 5 actual hours to type. I need some rest. Oh god. I hope this post has left you inspired and/or nostalgic.

Love you all! Also, if you read the whole thing. Did you notice I actually used 'Elfin Grot' reference? Haha. Heh. ELFIN GROT. I'm awesome for using that. I know I am. Psh.
Also, it's April Fools day. But I promise whatever I said here is totally legit. Hehehe.

Monday, March 24, 2014

How To: Study like a bau6.

Studying is anything from examining museum art to deciphering the size of one's foot fungus. But I think the studying that we are all most familiar with is the actual studying/studious dying that we all experience, most prominently, during our school years. The way we study could define not just our grades but also our wits. Unfortunately, for most people around me, studying means cramming a portion of the textbook and releasing it into the test paper. That might work sometimes, but it's bad in the long run.

Anyway I'm going to be productive (just like I promised in my previous blog entry), and even if I'm probably not the best person to give study tips, I might as well just share a few mistakes and methods that I found that sort of helped me during the atrocious exams that I've faced throughout my life. I think this is helpful especially for lazy people like me, but hey, you have to decide if it will work for you.

1) Look at the time- Do you have 3 hours or 3 years before a paper? If you have 3 hours, you probably want to cram and look at key points at the last minute. If you have 3 years, you probably should shave your head and stare at the mirror till your hair grows back. Either ways, it is Father Time that shall determine your wit and your answers in the test paper.

2) Stop eating- I don't think anyone can disagree that we all need food. After all, even staring at a blank page causes strain to so many muscles that you need your pringles and a can of coke so you won't grow weak and die of fatigue. However, let me tell you something here. You're binging not because you're studying, but because you're bored. Binging in fact, is one of the most elementary forms of procrastination. I personally discovered this a few weeks ago when I realized that when I actually study, I don't feel hungry. I'm too busy thinking about John Keats' affair with an urn to think about my own affair with food. 

Of course, I'm not saying don't eat when you are hungry, I don't want to be blamed for w(there's a huge mosquito in my room oh god)orld starvation. Assuming the beautiful fiction that the whole world reads my blog. Please excuse me, I'm going to stop typing and day dream for some time. 

3) Stop daydreaming- I get it, your dreamworld is SO much better than the reality, where your crush likes you back, there are chocolate fountains and you've won the Noble Prize. But none of this will help you get a good grade. Your crush doesn't give a crap about you, there are chocolate fountains but you're a fattie, and Noble Prizes are not for dumb people like you. GET IT TOGETHER! And I'm not entirely talking to you over here... I'm talking to myself actually. It's just so hard for me to stop dreaming and doodling that I just couldn't distinguish between the dreamworld, the real world, and my doodles.

4) Go on Social Hibernation- Now, I always had to deactivate facebook and all other forms of social networking because I get really distracted. But this is subjective. I know that there are many people who have great self control and are therefore able to have just the right amount of communication and study at the same time. But I get extremely distracted, so what I'd do is that I would switch off my phone and laptop, after deactivating all social websites, and hide it somewhere, because I know I'd be too lazy to get up and retrieve my electronics. That way, I force myself to sit and study.

5) Attack the book- Before you stop thinking about studies and start dreaming again, ATTACK THAT BOOK! Just delve deep into it and don't stop till you finish say, at least one page. It is really important to remain focused on that book and that book only, because even one second of "Hmm I think I'm gonna check my phone" could end up being 5 long hours of discussion about nail lengths with an old acquaintance. (that totally does not refer to me heh)

6) Day or night?- I've pulled thousands of allnighters throughout my school life and literally survived on caffeine in order to keep my grades up. However, it was at the end of twelfth grade that I realized how unhealthy and unhelpful that is. Of course, initially, studying throughout night seemed very helpful. But I'm going to tell you when it's helpful and when it actually becomes harmful. 

Studying at night can be helpful if a) You have quite some time to study, and b) You're totally demotivated. Often it happens that you just have absolutely NO motivation to study. I would fool around the whole day, but then at night I'd just be like Fuck. That's when I awaken myself, become completely attentive, tell myself that I will NOT sleep until I have studied a certain amount, and sit throughout the night. Nights are helpful because with the darkness comes an air of urgency. Maybe I'm the only one, but nights always make me want to hurry up, with sleep being my motivation. And then when I do sleep after finally having reached my target, I am able to sleep peacefully and feel proud of myself.

However, this only works to an extent. After a point, studying at night could just freak you out. As time ran out for me while studying, I realized that I'm thinking and focusing less on studies, and thinking more about how screwed I am and how less time I have. Thus I freak out, loose focus, and end up staying up all night without learning or understanding a single thing. Moreover, I end up sleeping till like 2 the next day, thereby wasting precious morning hours, gaining criticism from my parents on my nocturnal habits, and having learned absolutely nothing. That is when morning comes in.

I am not a morning person, but I can't deny that studying works best in the morning. Go to sleep at 10 and wake up at 6 with a cup of coffee to keep you going, and you are good to go. Mornings are relaxing, for me for eg, because I feel like I have the whole day ahead of me. It enables me to learn a large amount of things with full concentration, without panicking, and well, it's really helped me a lot. At night I often give up and loose motivation because I'd be too sleepy, but in the morning, I had already slept and wouldn't have to worry about sleep, at least for a while. 

7) Write it down- Now, this tip is useful only if you have a fair amount of time to study. What I'd do is I would read a certain portion or page in my textbook and write down whatever I have understood. However, I'd always write down in points, in the exact order of appearance. I'll give you an example. 

Suppose you have to study this, uh, song (assume that the song is a poem)-
I like big butts and I can not lie
Your other brothers can't deny
When a girl walks in with a itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face you get sprung.

(oh god I'm going to lose readers if I go on like this....)
So yeah, I'd think for some time then jot down points like this- 
1) The narrator likes big buttocks (reason not given yet)
2) He says he can not lie, implying that he is seemingly honest
3) "When a girl walks in"- hypothetical situation/explains his usual habits/he has seen girls before
4) Description of the girl's buttocks- buttocks="round thing"
5) Main idea- the man gets a certain kind of pleasure by witnessing a good-sized feminine buttocks 

^Thereee you have it! A comprehensive study of Sir Mix-a-lot. (Pls don't unsubscribe for this)

8) Have conversations with the book- This is actually something that is reaaaallly stupid, but really helpful for me. I often get really bored while studying, so I pretend that my textbook is an actual person and I have conversations with it. It's pretty much similar to Write it down, except this time, you're being a little casual. You're thinking/speaking of the same things that you would write down anyway, but this time you're being all like "Hey book! let's check this poetry out, mhm big butts" Sometimes it's helpful to express your own opinions or get emotionally involved with the text "that's kinda weird, he likes big butts? Well these days most guys like big butts, but it seems as if this song occurred at a time when big butts was not really a thing".

9) Cross questioning- At the end of the day, your exam is going to be filled with questions that you have to answer. It's always good to question yourself to see if you remember stuff. Of course, by now you probably have learned several things, but one of the biggest challenges is, I have realized, to retrieve all that information from your brain so that it spills out into your answer. Often, we are unable to remember what we have learned. What we need sometimes in those cases, is a trigger. For example, while giving your exam, if you're having trouble thinking of the main idea of the song we just discussed above, you might get reminded the second you see a person walking in with an unusually huge posterior. If you keep asking questions to yourself while studying ("Who is the subject of the poem/song again?") you will train your brain to retrieve answers again and again, and this in turn comes in handy during exams.

10) Triggers- As I mentioned earlier, sometimes all you need is a trigger to remember something. For example, you might be studying about demand diagrams in economics while eating an apple. So you can just be like "I demand apples because I'm hungry because I'm learning about demand, and when I'm less hungry I'll demand less of this apple". Okay that's a horrible example, but I hope you understand what I mean.

11) Mnemonics help too- I learned about My Very Educated Mother Just Showed Us Nine Planets and remembered it even after the nine planets became eight and my milk teeth were replaced by permanent teeth. Mnemonics, as silly as they may seem, are often very powerful. Does anyone remember PEMDAS (Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction) from order of operations? Powerful stufff.

12) Listen to music- I usually keep a little bit of background music playing while studying because it helps me calm down and not get bored. Of course, you should avoid loud, distracting songs, but pick soft, pleasant music (preferably instrumental) that can help you focus. For example, I found this song called Kalimba in the Sample Music folder in my laptop and it had kept me going for a while. Also, you can always find interesting study music on Youtube. I even created a playlist that has less distracting, yet interesting songs, usually from the Alternative Genre because of its stable beats, such as songs by Mat Kearney and Black Keys. Basically anything with stable beats can be very helpful, especially while writing down notes for yourself. 

13) Test yourself- If you have time, it is always advisable to do practice papers before any major exams. Get hold of past papers that you can get from xtremepapers.com or your education board website. This obviously applies to SAT mocktests also, that you need to practice in order to manage your time and answers. It also helps you retrieve information from your brain again, making it much easier and less stressful when you give your actual exam.

13) Before the paper- Contrary to popular belief that one's mind should be absolutely relaxed and blank before the paper, I think that it's important to continue quizzing yourself even minutes before the exam. I CAN NOT stress enough on HOW IMPORTANT it is to REVISE every effing thing that you have learned. I'm telling you this because during one of my exams, because of my lack of revision, I went completely BLANK when I saw the paper. Even if I had studied everything properly, none of my triggers were activated, I couldn't retrieve my information, because I hadn't revised what I had learned. Revision helps you sort of keep everything in place and understand the big picture. You have studied the portions and various aspects of your subject in detail till now, but now it is time to put it all together. If you understand the whole concept, the details will come to you naturally as you write. So please, please do not forget to revise, and always revise every thing, do not leave out anything, because it really could impact your grades.

A quick ABCs on cramming- Obviously we aren't that perfect. Most of the time, I'd be like YES I have 5 days before a paper, then end up jumping around on pogosticks for 4 days then cramming last minute. Of course you should work on preventing such blunders by going through the tips that I have given above, but if you have failed, fear not! Cramming basically means memorizing without learning. It involves a quick reading of whatever you need to study, while memorizing, or trying to remember a few key points. Most of the effort has to be put not in the studying, but during the exam itself. It is important to remember to not lose hope- as long as you're sitting with the paper and pen in front of you, you still have the power to ace that test. Try to analyze and remember as many as you can of the key points, any details, and also, don't be scared to rely a bit on common sense, because not all answers are fixed and a 'definition' does not mean a by-heart defined word by word thing, by your own understanding underlined by a few key concepts. 

Okay, I think that's all. I hope this will help you enough and I hope this was comprehensive enough and if you have any extra tips you wish to share, please comment and let everyone know! 
Also. I have just realized I have no included any pictures in this entry and it is overwhelming with words. So I'm gonna include a random picture here so you'll hate me less.

Aah I need this picture after this overwhelming post. (http://3rdbillion.net/2013/10/tropical-beach-sunset-background-wallpapers/)

Hey also, you can check out my previous How To Series here. Because I know you're dying for guides.
Well best of luck for everything. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Songbird's freedom song.

Aaahh. Where have my blogging skills gone?!

I haven't blogged in ages. And even if I may have, it feels like it's been ages. But I think I can make up for all this now. I would like to let you know that Songbird, the brain behind this blog, is officially out of the cage of school now! *applause* *cheer*

That's right, I have completed twelfth grade and unless I fail all my exams, I would like to think that I have left school behind- the cramming, the drama, the immature hypocrites, the bullies, the vulnerable, the infatuations, the insipid school food- it's all in the process of being buried in a little crater guarded by (lenient) hyenas. In the meantime, I plan to carry the good things- the lessons, the pleasant memories, the fun stories, worthy friends- with me and keep them in my preconscious as I'd step into the world of college pretty soon.

But before I do, I now have this loooong vacation in front of me. College won't start till about 3-4 months, which means I have extra time to blog, chill out, sleep, and feel unproductive. During exams, I had brilliantly planned out my holidays but now that they're finally here, I feel soooooo lazy and just sit and hit refresh on facebook every two seconds. I've been sitting lazily on my couch with my phone and I'm pretty sure my butt can never part with the furniture anymore. I'm too lazy to meet my friends, I'm too lazy to travel, in fact, I'm too lazy to use the bathroom, but hey, here I am, typing this entry in semi-doze trying to overcome this laziness. I'm going to try and stop whining now and uh. be productive.

I feel a little better to say that yes, my holidays haven't been a complete waste, for I managed to travel to this place called Jaipur with my friends a few days ago and it was wonderful. It was a roadtrip so we got a chance to explore fields, abandoned restaurants, obnoxious buildings, and the countryside on the way. Once we reached Jaipur, tired, exhausted, yet lively, we realized that we had been beautifully duped as the hotel room looked completely different from the picture they had posted in the website. But anyway, the room was habitable, and besides, we were only using it to sleep at night because the whole day we'd be out. So my friends and I, after a pleasant exchange of verbal criticisms with the receptionist about the room (I think he hates us now), left the hotel and embarked on a journey of Jaipur- the 'Pink' city (misleading, because the buildings are actually orange). We bought jewelry, rode camels and elephants, (elephants are the most beautiful, majestic and sorrowful creatures, I realized), tasted Rajasthani food (TOO SPICY), interacted with the locals and took pictures with them, saw freakshows, explored Rajasthani nightlife, went for fancy wine-and-dine, visited palaces, and bought more clothes. Moreover, I got the opportunity to try pottery for the first time, wear one of those colorful turbans, pretend to be a shopkeeper of a soda shop, and wear mehendi after years. To sum it all, it was the best trip I ever had, with the best people ever. 

Anyway, other than that, I'd like to say a couple of things I'd like to direct your attention towards-

1) I just effing realized that all my blog pictures have disappeared. Yes it's true, I haven't been blogging with many of my paint(pain)-made pictures lately, but if you look at my older entries, you'll see that most of my pictures are GONE. GONE GONE. LIKE MAUD GONNE. If you're wondering how I feel about this, all you have to do is look down at the toilet the next time you go to take a dump. I had worked so hard, and it brings tears to my eyes as I think of all that effort I had put.... in some, if not most of those... recognizable, if not ugly drawings. I hadn't taken a good look at my blog since the beginning of exams, but when I looked at my blog like. yesterday, I realized that I had mistakenly deleted this album on my google account.... ANYWAY. Those pictures are now gone :( 

2) But don't worry, because I'll make better pictures now. I'm not a giver-uper in case you haven't noticed. Hopefully, I can retrieve some pictures from my laptop if they have been saved, so you can see some pictures restored. But again, I can't guarantee that. In the meantime, I will attempt to make better drawings in my future entries so.... things aren't that bad! :)

3) I had promised something earlier. In case you're wondering, take a look at this entry. I had alleged that I will upload an entry that would highlight all the things that I have learned in school other than academics (but did I really learn academics? hmm, that's a thought). Also, I had said, and I quote, I would post that entry in "near end-January/mid-Feb". So there, it shows again how terrible a person I am, because it's like, almost April now. I do, I really do feel like crap. 

4) But there will be more blog entries. Because of my love for blogging and my love for anyone who reads this blog and my love for all those who have subscribed, I am going to finish the school lessons blog asap (it's almost done actually, I just have to fair it up), PLUS, I plan to post this whole bunch of entries I have been planning to write and post for a long time. But let me just say that it is probable that my next few blog posts might just be about school and things related, because I have, in fact, finished school just now. So I do plan to share some inspiration that I have pocketed from my school journey and share it with you, again, asap. 

5) Posting entries about school will hopefully not limit my audience? I just want to remind you that as an impartial blogger, my ultimate goal is to make my blog accessible to everyone, of every age, race, and personality. If you're, say, 50, I don't want you to shake your head and be like "mm mm, she's blogging about school, psh I can't read all that". I mean, I'm sure we have all been through school at one point, so you can just see if you can relate to any of the things I mention. And if you have never been to school, or are about to enter high school, these posts might give a little something to see what to expect, and possible guidelines on how you can survive school. If you're a literate alien, well, you can learn about human life? If you're a worm... okay I'll stop.

6) I'm getting lazier and lazier. But my holidays have merely begun. If you feel that I'm getting too lazy, you can just give me a wake-up call through Talk to Me on the left, which I would so very appreciate. Because I really need more wake-up calls these days. Ugh.

7) Also, fellow bloggers whom I've been politely ignoring- I'm not a bad person, really. But I haven't read a single post from other blogs or left a comment in a loooong time. Again, I do feel crappy, but hopefully I'll make up for it asap. I do feel very thankful that you all read my entries from time to time, and I wish to return this love just the same. So yes, I'll be creeping in on you again, asap, but if there is any specific entry you'd like to direct my attention toward, don't hesitate to let me know!

So yes, this was a list of my present grievances and my attempt to make amends for my clumsy blogging. I feel good now, like my butt is not cemented to the couch anymore and that I'm actually doing something. Also, I'm SO BORED. There are no travelling plans till like mid-April, so please feel free to uh, chat with me, leave a comment, talk to me, request blog entries, anything. Also, I've been reading Five Point Someone lately, or rather, trying to, so my brain gets some workout, plus also to uh, sort of prepare me for college. Not that I'm a slacker or anything, but just to put me in the college mood.

So yes, hopefully I'll post something better than this 'entry' asap. Till then,

PS- I have just realized that the title of my blog has nothing to do with the content. But hey, the freedom part is true! And the chorus of the 'song' could be "I'm getting lazier and lazier", if you're really desperate. I think I'll not change the title, your challenge is to figure out how it relates to the content. Yes! Now you have a task. When you find out, let me know too, because I have no idea.... o god