Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What I think about dieting.

I was requested to share a blogpost about my views on dieting, so well, here goes!
Hmm.. dieting... what do I think about it exactly...
I'm such a disappointment. 

But it's true! I just want to eat eat eat, all day. And not just anything, I need junk food to keep my adrenaline going. It is the only thing that satisfies me. Got a bad grade? Have food! Broke your pencil? HAVE FOOD. Rummage your fridge and search every nook and cranny for that last bit of pizza from x days ago. Smear nutella over perfectly healthy food. Well, done, you have a picture of who I am. 

However, recently I realized that I'm not as young as I used to be <gasp>. This epiphany clouded my thoughts when I was having a very nicely me-made ice cream sundae, took a picture of it and sent it to my friend. I was expecting the reply to be something like "Oooh, I'm so jealouss!" or "I'm coming to your house right now." but noooo, what did she say? "Do you realize how much sugar that is?" DO I REALIZE HOW MUCH SUGAR THAT IS? Well, I'm not dumb, of course I do. It had ice cream, chocolate syrup, oreo crumbs, m&ms, nutella, extra cream and everything sweet imaginable. (Note: I don't always make such insane ice creams, this was my first). But all that is negligible as long as it tastes good. 

So what do I do about my unhealthy eating habits? Upon interrogating my mom about my expanding waistline, she told me to cut down on my junk food intake "But don't do anything stupid like going on a diet." Why? "Because you need the protein, and stuff." 
Hmm... going on a di·et1 [dahy-it]. 
— n
1.a. a specific allowance or selection of food, esp prescribed to control weight or in disorders in which certain foods
are contraindicated: a salt-free diet a 900-calorie diet
b. ( as modifier ): a diet bread

But, there's nothing bad about getting healthy, right? What my mother meant was the kind of diet that models (who eventually became anorexic) followed. Honestly, I would die if all I can have is an almond a day. <Meet the Spartans reference>
But a few vegetables along with some tacos, I wouldn't mind. Maybe instead of bombarding my ice cream sundae with all the ingredients needed to make the Powerpuff Girls, I could probably live with chocolate syrup. Yes, it would be hard, but atleast I'd be healthy.

So, yes, dieting is not completely evil. I remember when I was at this luncheon thing recently, and the lady would offer me extra food, which I would politely refuse. But upon doing that, I was asked "Oh, so you're dieting?" Now I don't know if they meant to ask seriously, or if that was a subtle way to make fun of me. Because I do that all the time as well. Like, when I'm having a dinner party and the guests don't take enough food, I just go like "So, you're dieting, eh?" and they'd get offended and grab that bigass spoon and stuff food down their throats to please me. But what you don't understand is that I'm NOT pleased. It has become such that the word "dieting" has evolved to have a negative connotation. If you're dieting, you're being "excessively concerned about your looks" or "you're a slut", but it's okay to NOT diet and end up being an unhealthy fat fish? You'd be so heavy that you would drown in the ocean/aquarium... 

So instead of making the judgy expression when someone says they're dieting, maybe you could look at them in admiration? Because they are doing (and succeeding) at something which takes a lot of willpower, I mean a freakin  is in front of you, and you can't eat it. YOU CAN'T EAT IT! What could be more agonizing? 

God, I'm hungry now. Great.

So, basically what I'm trying to say is that dieting is not a bad thing. If it serves the purpose, i.e. makes you healthy, then by all means go for it. Your aim should be to be healthy, not to be thin, because there's a fine line between the two choices that you must understand. If you choose a diet that is supposed to make you skinny, you might actually be inching towards unhealthiness. 

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to watch Food Network (just to test my willpower). (hopefully). 

Wishing you good health,


Anonymous said...

I also find it really hard to diet, it's so hard to resist good food! Keep writing, little songbird, so talented you are :*

songbird said...

Thankyou :*

Nuha Nasim said...

Haha. :D
Dieting takes so much of determination. :/

songbird said...

Right you are! :/

Anonymous said...

OMG everything u said is sooo true :O
its impossible for me to diet :3

songbird said...

Hahaha, yes it's super hard!