Saturday, October 13, 2012

Extreme Doodling.*

I know a few people who doodle their way through classes and end up with beautiful, yes BEAUTIFUL masterpieces that ought to be exhibited in the nearest Louvre-ish museum. But there are also some who simply know and accept that art is not their forte, and manage to come up with something...well..similar to this.


The last page of my Economics notebook

My friend Sandy and I definitely got some help from some generous people throughout the journey of the evolution of this...this...THIS. It was one of those days when the classroom was extra stuffy, extra boring, and everything just lacked wildness and beauty. So is there something wrong with letting our inner desires and emotions out on paper? If you ignore the vulgarity (if you notice any), you'll realize that we have crazy, over-imaginative minds!

And this is where I feel like a kid again (not that I'm all adult-ish and grown up now). 

Let's see if you can spot the following in the doodle above:

  • A hand with a tongue jutting out of it
  • Failed attempt at making a Rupee symbol
  • The piercings on the half tribal half pogostick (HTHP) creature
  • A boy wearing heels dangling on the braid extending from the HTHP creature's head
  • The birds perched on (one of the) random feet jutting out of the HTHP's head
  • Religious bird
  • Random mathematical symbols working together in harmony
  • etc (because my eyes hurt from searching now)
I apologize if the picture was a bit too disturbing due to its overwhelming beauty (notice the star on the title), or if it hurts your sentiments in any way. In the meantime, I should tear that page off before my teacher sees it :P

Much love,


Anonymous said...

"My friend Sandy and I" the second I read that I was just like 'asdfghjklHELL YEAHH, HER FRIEND SANDY AND SHE!' =D This is honestly the funniest thing ever! Your friend Sandy must be an absolute, f*ing genius :D

songbird said...

HAHAHA WELL I'M GLAD YOU LIKED IT, ANONYMOUS! :P I don't know about the genius part, but clearly her hidden intellect decided to show itself because of (obv) me :P

caribooze said...

hahaha sandy^^

songbird said...

We both know how crazy she is :P

Walden Shmidt said...

Hey songbird....The "spot these in the doodle" was very interesting u know. :-P

songbird said...

Haha, really? I'm glad :D

Anonymous said...

LOL some things look REALLY REALLY WRONG!!

Anyways... this shows how VELLA and creative you both are.

songbird said...

I know, but you're not supposed to notice the wrong things -.- (because the wrong-ness probably wasn't intended) and haha, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Nice post :-D

Post some more stuff.
I am liking your blog. :-)

songbird said...

I'm so glad you like it! and yes, I'll post more asap! :D