Thursday, July 31, 2014

The 10 phases of my eyebrows.

Phase 1- Ah, the beautiful childhood tresses of the temple. As a kid, my eyebrows were quite huge, yes, but they were decent. They brought out my eyes a little and besides, I just didn't care back then. I remember my mother would make me use this eyebrow pencil to bring out my already-luscious eyebrows even more. Back then, I'd be very pleased with thick eyebrows and I'd find ways to make it even thicker (like applying hair oil on them)

Phase 2- And it was all well till I started developing a unibrow at the beginning of puberty! I hated it, it made me look shady and geeky, but on the plus side, it hid most of my pimples. As the treacherous eyebrows began to expand, I began to worry. I was afraid I'd soon have eyebrow hair in my eyes which would cloud my vision. Also, I was worried that it made me look bad.

Phase 3- So with a sinking heart and a pointy tweezer, I sat down one day to painfully plough away the excess eyebrow hair. Just fyi, I had absolutely no experience with tweezing or hair removal up till this point. I was too shy to get my eyebrows done, so I tried to secretly resolve the issue. As you can see, it turned out perfectly alright.

Phase 4- Back then, I was actually pleased with my eyebrow-tweezing expertise. I was happy to have gotten rid of the unibrow, even though it was terribly painful. In fact, my eyebrows looked almost okay from the distance. As months flew, I decided to become a little more daring. I tried to tweeze my eyebrows even thinner. And clearly, they turned out perfectly alright again. Clearly.

Phase 5- Sure, my eyebrows were roughly a skeletal version of actual, human eyebrows, but I didn't mind it much. Of course, people began to notice my strange eyebrows, but no one said much, because well, this was middle school and we all were just in that stage of understanding what looks good and what looks incomplete, I guess.

But as I entered high school and my workload increased, I realized I had lesser and lesser time to sit down for a good two hours and microscopically observe the minute and the massive hairs, so I slacked a little and let my eyebrows grow.

Phase 6- Eventually, I realized 'Heck, I'm in high school now', and finally decided to engulf on that journey to the parlor, where the eyebrow-lady painfully perfected my completely-experimented-on eyebrows. She fussed a lot about what I had done to them, but hey, it looked fine eventually so I was happy!

Phase 6- And this look went for a long, long time. Long enough that my hair (head hair) grew and I began to wear earrings and wear makeup and stuff. 

Phase 7- Then once again, I went a little daring, and as I grew even older and became almost immune to the pinching pain of threading, I got my eyebrows done to an optimum size that I thought suited my countenance.  This look also went on for a while. Till quite recently. 

Phase 8-  And finally, after a long journey of eyebrow-raising experiences, I finally, finally, inevitably screwed up. This summer, I went to my grandparents' house in the south of India, where I was constantly traveling from place to place to meet people to people. Some time during this trip, my eyebrows began to grow again (surprise surprise), and I wanted to get them done so bad, but it was hard to land up in a parlor. So I thought 'Ah, I can totally tweeze, I'm old enough now, how bad can I mess up?'. Clearly, I didn't mess up at all. Clearly, they turned out perfectly alright. 

Phase 9- As usually happens during screw-ups, I didn't realize how serious this issue was until I finally returned home and took a nice look in the mirror. I think my skin and hair cells died a little more than they usually do, when I saw myself. With a pounding heart, I reminisced the wonderful trip where I roamed about half the universe with a scattered-caterpillar eyebrow-do, without raising an eyebrow. So with a heavy heart, preparing myself for the fuss that the eyebrow-lady would make on my hot mess eyebrows, I walked in to the parlor. The lady said she did what she could. 

Phase 10- So yes, that brings me to my current eyebrow phase, with eyebrows that are super thinly plucked and tortured, but recovering. Hopefully they'll be back to normal soon, and till then, I must wait. 

Lesson- Don't try to do your own eyebrows. Unless you are amazing. Or a rebel. Or uncaring. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The 'Haha' controversy.

My social life has been blooming with all types of friends- old friends, new friends, reunited old friends, new friends who are actually old friends, old friends who have changed, old people, old acquaintances, new acquaintances, friends who became acquaintances, acquaintances who became friends, frenemies, partial enemies, and finally, enemies. (I just added 'enemies' for the effect. I don't have enemies though (I hope). I just know some people I'm not very fond of. Otherwise I'm so lovable :')

As you may or may not know, I'm headed off to college next month and will be spending most of my time at the hostel (I'll find time to blog tho I swear). So I've been attending open houses and campus tours and been accepting friend requests and exchanging phone numbers with quite a few people. In the meantime, I've also been keeping in touch (and by that, I mean mourning and saying goodbyes) to my current friends, whom I'll be leaving soon, but hopefully return to greet whenever fate allows us. *moment of enigma*

Nevertheless, due to this vast amount of socializing, I have been inspired to bring up this Haha Controversy, and try to understand and blog about it. 
As you can probably see, I do use a lot of 'haha' in my daily conversations, but the question in mind is- Which 'haha' is appropriate for a given time and subject of conversation? Do you 'haha' or 'hahahahahha' or 'HAH' or 'hehe'?

This issue might be considered trivial by many, but trust me. It is important. One must be equipped with a sack full of assorted chuckling expressions (ranging from HAHA to haha) to use at the correct situation and time.

1) Haha
I use this a lot. I use it in my blog entries, my comments on blog entries, my comments on other entries, whilst chatting, sometimes even in real life. But what do I really mean when I say the terse "Haha"? Now no offence to whoever I said it to, I sort of don't mean to show amusement when I say/type 'Haha'. (hehe)
It is a mere disyllable used to fill blank/awkward spaces. Basically, I say 'Haha' when I have nothing else to say, or when I'm too keyboard-lethargic to use the ':P' smiley. This word added to a conversation lets people know that they don't mean to be critical or offensive, but they don't mean to be completely amused either.

For example-
Froobleskin7- I sold a pumpkin today.
Imdakoolest- Haha, really?
Froobleskin7- Yeah.
Imdakoolest- Kool. haha

2) Hahah
This can be used for replying to something that is moderately funny. Not the ROFL kind, but, you know, the Lol kind. Perhaps a bit more. Or less. Basically, I use this when I don't want to sound too unfriendly by simply saying 'Haha', but I'm not too friendly with that person either, so I'm not going to freak that person out by saying HAHAHA. It's a laugh, a polite laugh.

For example-
LeProtégé- I was slightly amused to wake up to-dawn to find my pillow shifted to an angle of 49 degrees against my bed, instead of the usual 47.65 degrees. Golly, I thought to myself, I had been sleeping at an uneven angle for the whole night? No wonder I dreamt of your uneven beard!
beardy-beard- Hahah

3) Heheh
This is what one would call the nervous laugh. Or the evil laugh. It could be either, or maybe even both! depending on the context. It is totally possible to be nervous and evil at the same time as well. I mean, they go hand in hand.

For example-
asdhsjk- You stepped on my tuna?!?! YOU STEPPED ON MY TUNA?!?! I'm going to take you to an amusement park, strap you to bumpy turtle ride, and make you sit there until your bowels melt and your genitals get massacred.
flowerpony11- I'm sorry! Heheh

4) HAHAHAHAHA(hahahaha(...))
Ahh, finally, an actual laugh! I think we all know what this means. A laugh for something that is actually funny, and you can't stop laughing! This kind of laughter could be both mocking (mostly mocking), or genuine amusement. I mostly share this type of laughter with my closest friends, because I know that they wouldn't get very offended if I mock them. Lolz.

For example-
Ya@a@a@- hi

(Sorry, I couldn't think of anything funnier) (hi can be such a funny word sometimes) (I know it can)

5) Ahahahahaha
I actually can't discern why exactly people use this kind of laughter. I don't like this laugh actually. It's supposed to be "Hahahaha" with an H, not Ahahahaha! For me, this type of laughter sounds.. a little intellectual for some reason. Don't you think Ahahaha sounds a bit more polite than Hahaha? Ahahaha has a refreshing, non-judgy feel to it for some reason :s

For example-
UglayaRkkk25- Then they smiled and said, "why aren't you at Block D? That's where the interview is!"
Butterfly123- Oh! Ahahahaha!

Other miscellaneous categories of expressive amusements include (but are not limited to)- Huehuehuehuehehhe, Hahahahaha, Hohoho, Hahhhha, Ha!, Lolz, Lolzie, Lolllll, Lololol, ROFL, ROFLLLLLL, Lawl, ROFLMAO, LMAO, etc.

Also. There is one more Haha-
6) Hahhhahaha- This is merely a Hahahaha misspelled. I like this because the misspelling could indicate that the person on the other side was genuinely laughing, hence lost concentration, and made that slight, yet disarming mistake. Or maybe that person simply didn't care about typing properly. Either ways, I like the tiny flaw here for some reason.

There's no example for this one, because well, it's pretty much similar to Hahah or HAHAHA :P

So anyhoo, thank you for reading my entry! You may already know these things, because obviously, everyone uses 'Haha' in all their conversations. But, you know, this is just a little something based on my observation. As for now, I am going to delve deep into the mess of packing and shopping and packing commodities for my stay at the hostel. Bleh. I hate packing.

Much amusement,